Your collection


ThE OtHeR rAmOnE
Jan 30, 2010
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Chesterfield, England
I like this thread and all the positive vibes I get from all the people who love music, vinyl, CD's and all that goes with it. I will go to the ends of the earth and further to pick up a classic album that I have been after. This year I will be filling all the gaps in my collection with albums by bands that I have not got. I will talk about my collection later today as I am at work now and cannot spend all day on here which I would if I could.

Riff Raff

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Dec 8, 2010
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Think at some stage Ill have to go through my 889 CDs and sort all bands into their discographies.


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Dec 28, 2012
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1-How big is it (cds, vinyl, downloads etc)? (Include display pics etc if you want.)
I have spreadsheets just to keep track of everything. Pictures coming… Absolutely NO downloads.

2-Is there stuff you have not played (how much)?
30% off the top of my head…

3-Do you buy your music or do you take the odd freebie download from blogs.
Mostly buy, occasional trade and sell a friend down the river to get funds. OK, strike the last one as a well intentioned joke. :D

4-How much per month do you think you spend?
Don’t know… $100 to $200 tops? :think:

5-Is your collection out of control and growing like a monster?
Not out of control but I’d say managed but it goes through peaks and valleys. I’ve been on a vinyl kick of late.

6-How many chances do you give a purchase (eg 3 goes)?
Can’t really answer that… Once I buy it, unless it is cursed I would keep it.

7-Do you have stuff that you do not like (eg part of a bands discography)?
No. I don’t blind buy much if at all. There are albums that get less play than others but never intentionally ignored.

8-Do you sell off parts of your collection from time to time?
No but only if I for some reason end up with an extra copy.

9-Please feel free to say anything else.
Nothing is EVER free… :grinthumb

You sound like a guy who only buys quality and loves his collection.
You mentioned that you have not played 30%.Im intrigued to know more about this.Is it a time issue.At a guess i would say that these may be unplayed zep bootlegs:grinthumb


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Dec 28, 2012
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1-How big is it(cds,vinyl,downloads etc)(Include display pics etc if you want.)

Around 5,000 or so LP's and 7 Inchers (give or take a few hundred). Any additional income I have after bills is spent on either music equipment (guitar gear, recording gear, etc.) or VINYL. I spend at least $200 a month, sometimes more, if my budget permits. Also, I work in a record store and get store credit for work additional to my regular hours. I spend a lot and I miss the days when all my pals were collecters of LP's (and even CD's). We used to go "record store hopping" together and would trade LP's or whatever. Now with most people stealing mp3s all the time, that excitement is essentially gone. :(

2-Is there stuff you have not played(how much)

Yes. I have stuff I bought a decade ago that I have yet to even break the seal. This isn't really by choice, it just got lost in my collection. Recently I have started recording all my LP's to my hard drive, as well as keeping a log (trying to, anyway) of my entire LP and 7 Inch collection. I photograph them, record them and log them into a text document. One day, they will all be played! (other than the additional copies I've acquired over the years!

There are "pricey" records that I play and record once and that is it. The less I have to play them, the better.

3-Do you buy your music or do you take the odd frebbie download from blogs.

I have to admit, when the whole "downloading phenomenon" was in it's early stages, I was a part of the whole "leeching music community." However, over time that killed a lot of the excitement that comes with being a "record collector" for me. I no longer download/leech free music, spare for the odd-out of print record that is nearly impossible to find, as well as old hard rock/psych comps (such as "The Doom That Time Forgot" and "The Day After The Sabbath). Do I download newer music? Never. It's easier for me to enjoy music that I actually purchased and "have to take care of." It's much easier to dismiss something that you had to put little effort into getting. A lot of people I know that do leech a lot of mp3s and what not seem to be a lot more jaded about music and seem to write off good music. I think a lot of that has to do with "free music overkill."

4-How much per month do you think you spend?

See answer to question #1. It really depends on BILLS. hahaha.

5-Is your collection out of control and growing like a monster

YES. In 2009 I built a decent sized closet to store all of my vinyl. That is now stuffed full and I am putting LP's in a coffin case that holds 150 LPs, which will be STUFFED in less than a couple months. I'm getting ready to build more shelving to accommodate my LP/7 Inch collection. Unfortunately, I will not be able to store them all in a closet/separate room like I would prefer. Maybe someday.

6-How many chances do you give a purchase(eg 3 goes)

Depends on the record, what type of music it is, etc. I find it easier to get attached to certain records, more so than others. I tend to give newer music less of a chance than older music.

7-Do you have stuff that you do not like(eg part of a bands discography)

Yes, I do. There are certain bands I HAVE to own everything by, such as KISS. I literally HATE the "Crazy Nights" and "Hot In The Shade" LP's, but I own them both. I also own singles released from those albums. I have a Crazy Nights picture disc, etc. There is literally no KISS vinyl that I will pass on. I'd like to own it all, which is damn near impossible, if you include the bootlegs. (No. I do not collect KISS toys, or other goofy merchandise like condoms of coffins... just vinyl). There are many other bands I give this sort of attention to, such as Deep Purple... several punk/hardcore bands (my favorite genres). I own the "Grave New World" LP by Discharge, which is actually a very disgusting LP. (nice avatar, btw)

8-Do you sell off parts of your collection from time to time.

I do a lot of trading. Nothing in my collection is really off limits. I would trade almost anything "for the right record." I've accumulated a bunch of extra copies through big trades or even buying collections from people over the years. Sometimes I even forget whether or not I own a record and will end up with an extra copy. Sometimes I even buy things I already own, due to them being priced really low. I use these extra copies for trade. Sometimes I hold onto them, sometimes I sell them. Do I sell rare LP's in my collection because I need money for something else? NEVER! I have traded LP's for guitars and related gear many times, but that's about it!!!

9-Please feel free to say anything else.:grinthumb

Vinyl is a WAY OF LIFE for me. Being a "record geek" keeps music and my life exciting. There was a 3 year period in the mid/late 90's when I wasn't able to afford to buy music. It was probably the most miserable time of my life. The lack of being able to be involved with other traders and collectors in the "record collecting community" was a big part of it. I find life a lot more fun and exciting when I am able to share my excitement for music collecting in a social manner. At one time, all of my friends were either collectors or musicians. Of course, as I've gotten older, priorities change and people change. These days, I am not surrounded by as many people that collect, play and love music... that's why I LOVE WORKING IN A RECORD STORE FOR THE LAST 2 YEARS!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!11 I hardly consider talking about music with customers or even directing them to whatever they are looking for in the store "work." Of course there are laborious aspects to my job, but I tend to not be bothered by that. Even if it's music I don't care for being discussed, I enjoy the excitement people can generate when they find something they are looking for. For me, there is nothing else in life that can generate that kind of excitement!!! It's quite a rush!!![/QUOTE]
///////I would love to see your collection as you have many punk vinyls that id love to look at.I hope they are well insured :D


Senior Member
Dec 28, 2012
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1-How big is it(cds,vinyl,downloads etc)(Include display pics etc if you want.)

-- I think at last count it was about 520 CDs, 15 or so vinyl, and a large cache of iTunes downloads (maybe like... 300, 400. Can't check atm as my iTunes is on the other computer).

2-Is there stuff you have not played(how much)

-- Yes, definitely. Sometimes I give something a try on a whim and rarely ever go back to it. I have a lot of these.

3-Do you buy your music or do you take the odd frebbie download from blogs.

-- I buy it. I'm not net savvy enough to download for free, the files I get are always of inferior quality.

4-How much per month do you think you spend

-- On music, probably 30 bucks.

5-Is your collection out of control and growing like a monster

-- Not now that I've switched to digital.

6-How many chances do you give a purchase(eg 3 goes)

-- However many I feel. If it doesn't land at all, maybe as few as one.

7-Do you have stuff that you do not like(eg part of a bands discography)

-- Sure. I'm not a completest so I don't have too much of that stuff but when it comes to new releases by old bands sometimes I get it because it's new, and it doesn't turn out too good.

8-Do you sell off parts of your collection from time to time.

-- No! Never! I never know when something will suddenly become relevant, my taste changes VERY rapidly. For example when pop finally 'landed' for me, suddenly a handful of records I wasn't especially fond of before became extremely important to me.

Nice collection-I have to admit that there is a lot of stuff that i have given a quick listen to and neglected.I will go back to these and delete if need be.I always give everything a chance though :D


Senior Member
Dec 28, 2012
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I usually don't buy anything unless I am at least reasonably certain I'm going to like it. After I buy it I give it the same chance as any other piece of 'new' music. I usually try about three to five times and if there isn't anything I at least like I never touch it again unless someone who's opinion I value manages to say something intriguing about it. Then I give it one more listen with that in mind.
Practically every band I like has huge amounts of material I don't like at all.
I also value peoples opinions.I may hear something and not initially like it.Ill give it more chances if its well rated.
I agree that a lot of my fav bands have their fair shair of duds:heheh:


Senior Member
Dec 28, 2012
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1-How big is it(cds,vinyl,downloads etc)(Include display pics etc if you want.)
I used to have a pretty big Cassette collection (3000+), but did'nt take much care of it, lent most of it out (most were'nt returned lol) etc, & now I'm left with maybe 10% of what I had, if that.

Anyway, I did learn my lessons from that & my CD collection at the moment numbers about 5000 (+)

Pics (sorry but these are pasted here from another forum & I have'nt resized them..they're also about a year old):







2-Is there stuff you have not played(how much)

3-Do you buy your music or do you take the odd frebbie download from blogs.
No freebies! I want the real thing!

4-How much per month do you think you spend
Between $150-250 on average

5-Is your collection out of control and growing like a monster
Unfortunately (or fortunately...), yes it is! It's spread out all over the place and I now have a large part lying in boxes for lack of rack space.

6-How many chances do you give a purchase(eg 3 goes)
I keep them all most of the time. There have been instances when I really did'nt like something, came back to it years later & loved it!

7-Do you have stuff that you do not like(eg part of a bands discography)
Yeah..but not much.

8-Do you sell off parts of your collection from time to time.
Yes, but very occasionally

9-Please feel free to say anything else.
I'm pretty anal about it...replace scratched/broken covers, arrange re-arrange, dust (& even plastic polish..). It's kind of obsessive haha.

Superb collection and im pleased that you have managed to hear it all.Now give those boxed cds the space they deserve :cheers2


Senior Member
Dec 28, 2012
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1-How big is it(cds,vinyl,downloads etc)(Include display pics etc if you want.)

I've lost count, but I have a lot of vinyl and CDs. I am old enough to own quite a few cassettes, although I've been culling them recently. I have a few downloads.

2-Is there stuff you have not played(how much)

There are albums or bands I don't listen to for a long time and then I have a blitz on them. Probably the only albums I don't listen to at all are my George Hatcher Band albums, which I do not have the heart to dump - because they were a great live band.

3-Do you buy your music or do you take the odd frebbie download from blogs.

I still mainly buy CDs with a few downloads, although when HMV are sold to overseas asset strippers, the former could be a problem. I confess to downloading albums from blogs which I cannot find and are out of print. Among these are a poor vinyl rip of Meal Ticket's One for the Road, Please Mind Your Head by String Driven Thing and Get Up by The B'zz. I collect boots by Manfred Mann's Earth Band.

4-How much per month do you think you spend

Not much these days. My main period of spending was on CDs in the nineties, when I went mad. I listen to some of these CDs now and I can see that I was ripped off because the sound quality is crappier than I realised. By the time improved remasters appeared, I had already spent too much money.

5-Is your collection out of control and growing like a monster

No, but it was.

6-How many chances do you give a purchase(eg 3 goes)

Yes, then I return to them after a gap.

7-Do you have stuff that you do not like(eg part of a bands discography

I have bought albums by Pink Floyd (The Wall), Uriah Heep (Wonderworld) and Wishbone Ash (Locked In) that I do not like. They all have good tracks, but not enough to justify the purchase. I keep trying to get into modern progressive rock bands, such as Glass Hammer or Mystery, and I fail every time.

8-Do you sell off parts of your collection from time to time.

I have done, but not for a long time. I regretted selling some albums, which I should have kept, most notably the Harvest sampler, Picnic.

9-Please feel free to say anything else.

Despite trying, I cannot recapture the pleasure of buying albums when I was young. Returning home with Dark Side of the Moon, Moontan or Groundhogs' Best, after parting with my savings, and putting it on the turntable held something magical in those days. I would play one album over and over again. Perhaps it was because everything was new.

I agree there are some very badly recorded albums/cds out there.
Im like you i sort of neglect things and then return to them later
The magic has gone because things can be obtained for free in about 30 seconds now :heheh:


Senior Member
Dec 28, 2012
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Think I've got about 350 vinyls. About 400 cd's. If i have some money left I rather buy a vinyl than a cd. Just love to play vinyls. It's very sad that vinyl shops are dissapearing. We do have a great vinyl shop in Den Haag. The owner is great. Whenever we come he let us listen loads of old and new ones. I'd love to see the shop Elpat is working in.
Thats very cool of the owner EF.


Senior Member
Dec 28, 2012
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1. I have 889 CDs. I will edit a photo to the end of the post when I get a chance to.
2. Maybe one or two albums.
3. I always buy my music if I like it.
4. Couple of hundred a month on music probably.
5. Probably, I don't care as I like the bands I buy albums for.
6. At least 2-3 chances. Depends if it was a grower or I loved it right away.
7. Several albums. Its the unfortunate risk of buying albums. I was stupid enough to not have heard material prior.
8. Have not yet but have some shitty Slayer albums I would like to get rid of. I would more likely give them away.
9. Music collecting is fun. That is all I need to add. I only tolerate physical copies when it comes to buying music.
Nice collection-Dont worry a lot of persons have made that slayer mistake too:heheh:

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