No, but neither did he directly kill anyone.Did he ever go to the chair? If not, he should have.
No, but neither did he directly kill anyone.Did he ever go to the chair? If not, he should have.
Both Manson and Richard Ramirez deserved death penalty in my opinion given their respective cases. Disturbing and creepy is also some of the comments on the Night Prowler video making out that Ramirez liking Ac/dc was somehow awesome.
There was a old member on here a year back that was really into Charles Manson's music. He had a album by him and thought it was excellent and praised it all the time.. He pretty much set himself up for a few bricks when ever he talked about how talented Charles Manson was..
I'd have to say Nirvana's song Rape Me comes to mind for demented reasons and just plain creepy to me even though from what I have heard the song was just a metaphor for Kurt and he wanted to get a message across.
No, but neither did he directly kill anyone.