Cosmic Time Warp Warrior
Beyond The Lighted Stage, is by far the best Rush doc I have ever seen. The early band coverage ( it even contains footage of Alex ripping it up as a kid in his basement !!) and the whole band story is just awesomely laid out. Any real Rush fan needs to see it regardless of what era they are a fan of.
His on going Metal Evolution doc. series is as good as anything he has done,IMO. And that is saying alot. Anyone who is fan of his other work is just cheating themselves if they are not watching.
Sam Dunn deserves the recognition he is receiving.
His on going Metal Evolution doc. series is as good as anything he has done,IMO. And that is saying alot. Anyone who is fan of his other work is just cheating themselves if they are not watching.
Sam Dunn deserves the recognition he is receiving.