Most Influential of the Decade

Gabble Ratchet

Senior Member
Dec 2, 2009
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Re: Most Influential of of Decade

Indeed. Viva La Vida is their weakest album anyway :)

EDIT: I'm listening to Joe's song now, there are similarities, but Coldplay's song is very different. Plagiarism should only be called if there is an exact copy and it's uncredited.


metal maniac
Mar 14, 2006
Reaction score
on an island
Re: Most Influential of of Decade

Indeed. Viva La Vida is their weakest album anyway :)

EDIT: I'm listening to Joe's song now, there are similarities, but Coldplay's song is very different. Plagiarism should only be called if there is an exact copy and it's uncredited.

Thank you for that, it is exactly what I believe.


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2009
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Re: Most Influential of of Decade

Indeed. Viva La Vida is their weakest album anyway :)

EDIT: I'm listening to Joe's song now, there are similarities, but Coldplay's song is very different. Plagiarism should only be called if there is an exact copy and it's uncredited.

the verse of viva la vida uses the same excact chord progressions in the same excact tempo. You ask any expert in music theory they will support joe satriani's claim that coldplay plagerized

CP/M User

Ace in the Hole
Apr 22, 2009
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Nowhere Man
Re: Most Influential of of Decade

Salmacis wrote:

Summer At Eureka is my favourite of his, every song is awesome, I highly recommend it!

Sounds good. Gonna be pretty hard to top "Feeler" for me cause I love every song from that album! :tongue: But I'll check it out! :D

I kind of agree with you Magic, though guys like Pete Murray have their own sound to themselves I reckon which puts their music on the verge of folk, though add some other elements to it. I also love "Skipping Girl Vinegar" cause they have folk elements to their music as well, though what I've read about them suggests they are a form of Alternative Folk and I have this other guy Devendra Banhart which is of similar vintage. From what I can make out though is those kinds of groups are the Influence from guys like Neil Young. Neil Young itself seems to be a name which has been popping up in the Alternative scenes, though it seems that in more recent times a lot of earlier Neil Young recordings which had never seen the light of day are surfacing - particularly Live Recordings from Concerts, mainly because Mr. Young has been slowly trying to get that stuff out onto CD and because there was so much of it - I think I heard.


Soot and Stars

Sep 23, 2009
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Small Town NH, USA
Re: Most Influential of of Decade

For a true music fan to read that list, it makes me feel ill. It is just proof that the industry is trying to shove "pop" music down our throats. Put the almighty dollar over creativity and musicianship.

That list is a disgrace, BTW.

Hmmmm, *checks throat* My throat feels fine! I think I'm a true music fan and I can listen to most of that list! :dunno:

I'm willing to stick out here and say that while these aren't my top ten artist I'm into most of these artist!

Here are our top ten most influential musical artists of the decade according to the Washington Post (USA). How would you rank them?

1] Kanye West-I love his music more and more with each creative turn he takes in redefining the genre that most here hate anyway. I laugh off his antics because media crap doesn't affect my listening choices.

2] Radiohead-I won't dislike these guys but apparently they are music saviors and I must be smoking crack because I don't think get the appeal. Their hype makes Bono seem grounded. I still love Creep the best! :grinthumb

3] Britney Spears-I like her electronic more techno stuff! She has some talented people helping her out!

4] Beyonce-Actually don't like a single track from her but I can stomach it a club!

5] Jay-Z-Some stuff I couldn't care less about and some tracks he creates are gems IMO!

6] Taylor Swift-I guess it's catchy and I think she truly catches music but I don't like the poor little puppy dog act that people gave her. Getting doggeed on an awards show is not the worst thing to happen to a person. Not her fault though!

7] Kelly Clarkson-One of the best pop singers existing and deserves the praise! Also has a lot of guts!

8] Shakira-I like her newest material!

9] White Stripes-Some songs are decent but another group I can't follow the enthusiasm of their fan base!

10] Lady Gaga-I like her both on the dance floor and off! Talented for her genre! :grinthumb

Now I am wondering who they influenced :lmao:

The following opinions are only endorsed by me! :grinthumb
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Fade To Black
Apr 20, 2009
Reaction score
Re: Most Influential of of Decade

Sorry Bry I can't take any list that has Kanye West on it seriously. I doubt he will be remembered for anything but his overbearing ego-maniacal escapades. Plus I can't stand his music.

Soot and Stars

Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
Small Town NH, USA
Re: Most Influential of of Decade

Sorry Bry I can't take any list that has Kanye West on it seriously. I doubt he will be remembered for anything but his overbearing ego-maniacal escapades. Plus I can't stand his music.

Our knowledge of our opposite ends of that spectrum are well known by both of us and guaranteed you have a ton of forum backup on this one! :lmao: No apologies needed and no defense on his public persona but when it comes to his music I've spent to much time appreciating his work not to spread the love a little especially when I'm the only one in a given place to do it! His 808s and Heartbreaks c.d. was on constant rotation for me for a while. It really redefined what a hip-hop album could be and was daringly unique IMO. :grinthumb

It really says something that a Kanye fan and a Radiohead fan can find a middle ground on some music though! :grinthumb


Fade To Black
Apr 20, 2009
Reaction score
I was not referring to your personal list, but the original in Annies OP Bry.

For the record, I am a Kanye Hater, I admit that much. I also Hate Madonna for those of you that would try to pigeonhole me.(Hate is a strong word, but I am being honest, both their music and their personalities I find utterly contemptible.)

Stevie Wonder, Beyonce, they both carry themselves with class and let their Achievements do the talking, there is a lesson there for anyone who wants to pay attention.


metal maniac
Mar 14, 2006
Reaction score
on an island
I was not referring to your personal list, but the original in Annies OP Bry.

For the record, I am a Kanye Hater, I admit that much. I also Hate Madonna for those of you that would try to pigeonhole me.(Hate is a strong word, but I am being honest, both their music and their personalities I find utterly contemptible.)

Stevie Wonder, Beyonce, they both carry themselves with class and let their Achievements do the talking, there is a lesson there for anyone who wants to pay attention.

This brings me back to my original question...what is influential and who is being influenced? Just because we hate them does not mean that they did not influence someone somewhere.


Fade To Black
Apr 20, 2009
Reaction score
He did influence me though Annie, confirming my distaste for that whole genre of music, granted Kanye is branching out into other genres seeing, "Hip-Hop/Rap is Tired",(Quote from Naz), so on a personal level I can state his impact on me.

Whatever the masses feel is up to them, although I refuse to believe that the worst genre of music in my lifetime will be remembered for as long as the Beatles or Stones or many other greats from all different branches of music. That is why I have been "Shopping" overseas for my new music, they have escaped the near moribund state of mainstream music here, and reinvigorated my enthusiasm for checking out new bands again.
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