I like Madonna as you know ILJP, and I will defend her as a 'career' artist who became the most iconic female figure in the history of music, but I don't await her new records with the sort of anticipation I do for say Rush or Springsteen or Knopfler or many others. A lot of people on here are going to hate this, and from what I can tell here I'm not about to waste a single key-depression defending it, as it's total and utter crap. It's very contrived from what I can hear and just 80's throwback disco drivel, I doubt there are any musicians playing on there, most of that instrumentation sounds to me like it's coming out of one of those music generator programs you can have on your PC, and that cheerleader song is like the soundtrack to a Barbi-Doll TV commercial, I mean how hideous is that?? Won't be buying it, period. Maybe she's finished as a recording artist, her shows still blow people away, but this is just an embarrassment musically, trouble is she's so powerful as an artist that the people around her are maybe afraid to say to her "this is just terrible" I think the critics will be less worried about telling her, this is going to get panned to death. Thanks for linking to a few tracks before I downloaded it ILJP, I probably owe you a beer for saving me from an entire album of this unholy racket, it maybe the worst thing I heard all year.