Kurt Cobain


Hail the 80s!
Nov 10, 2005
Reaction score
outside my mind, in a little town called crazy
I agree with end of discussion, but nothing offensive ot About a girl, but your arguments are point less, unbacked up, and appearing in having ignored what ive said. You make up things for a point. My point was that Dream theater is over your head, nirvana is more simplistic than you think it is in every aspect, is not respectable because it is filled with dissonance, could have been done better, and that its appeal is limited by the example of several points of view, not just mine. I consider who likes them, i even digress upon why and the fact that in some aspects they diserve it. If you want to disagree, fine, but at least read my threads and make a few inferences. Newfounddawn at least backs up his points agianst my claims.
/end thread
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oh, be nice
Apr 21, 2005
Reaction score
That's ridiculous. Nirvana's music could not have been done better, that is your own personal view of what is good music and it has absolutely positively no overbearing applicablity what-so-ever. You say that the appeal is limited, so point out to me when "good" became equal to "mass-appeal". And if that were true, then I guess we'd have to agree with Nirvana's worship since they are massively popular and undeniably have lots of appeal. You claim that Nirvana's music is not respectable, that's absolutely an opinion and it is not in any way even slightly more accurate than the simple opinion of any other person.

Why is Nirvana's music respectable?

- Amazing hard rocking rhythms
- Astounding command of vocal diction in the style of pronounciation and notable musicality of the tune in which words are sung
- Lyrics that are poetic, smooth, and interesting, while also expressing worthwhile ideas and feelings
- Fantastic use of the attributes of raw sound & style

You call it dissonance, I call it breathtaking. How can you possibly claim that just because some people don't like that style that it's inferior and wrong? I spend hours and hours listening to Nirvana because they DON'T sound normal. That raw sound, that feedbacky, dusty, distorted, in-studio jam kind of sound is BRILLAINT. I could listen to it all day, it's infinitely more interesting to listen to than the average style. Besides, don't you consider the stylistic likenesses between the musical style and the feelings being expressed? Would Imagine sound right if it was performed by croaking frogs? If nothing else it would at least lose most of its emotional worth. Likewise, having "Blew" performed by a smooth squeaky-clean pop group would eliminate it's emotional worth.

Instead of pretending that my arguments are pointless and unbacked up, why don't you once consider actually trying to argue against them? Go read a physics textbook if you think that Dream Theater is great because they werent "simplistic".

You don't respect Nirvana, fine, but you're being silly to think that their style is invalid and that their intellectuality is non-existant. Maybe you like technically apt things and maybe I like sensually apt things. But we're both fooling ourselves into a deep ravine if we have any notions at all of our own preference being in the least bit superior or more valid than someone else's.


Hail the 80s!
Nov 10, 2005
Reaction score
outside my mind, in a little town called crazy
Im glad you see my point of respectable viewpoints. This is quite the end of this conversaton. We have both stated true opinions that are worthy of several expressions of society. You know what you like in music, good job. I didnt say anyone else could do it better. But better can only go so far if its intent is to connect with an intangible point of reference, especially anger. Its dissonance because its anger. Its breathtaking because its anger. They have emotion, no skill as musicians however, but that is not the typical basis of repect. My atypical view is just a small representation of many arguements that can be made against them. Many of times I have agued in support of their unique traits, even taking some influence from them.

This is the inference you needed to make my friend. I said your points were unbacked up because they were all opinions that called mine wrong. And this ends the conversation.
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Senior Member
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
In a state of deep, deep fascination
Why do you pay so much attention to the media blowing them up? Why don't you just focus on the music? I understand that there's alot of hype, but I think you've made your point already and there's no reason to dwell on it.

You haven't said much about the music other than you think they have hardly any talent and don't deserve to be recognized. It just doesn't seem to me that you are much of a fan really.

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