Here is another, "Anthem" by Leonard Cohen


Apr 19, 2024
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I posted a few of the lyrics from this on another thread, as "favorites". Here is the full song - or poem.

Leonard Cohen does a great version in his London Concert around 2008. Again, elsewhere, I mentioned my Blooks, where I create Blooks of various things, which included the Songs of Leonard Cohen. Here is a photo of the cover:-


There is a story behind this Blook. It is one of my rare blooks where the print-run was more than 1. I got a copy done for my best mate, who had expressed a liking for Leonard Cohen. Yes, a best mate, who had done me a multitude of favours over the years. Way back, as best man at my wedding, coming out of the pub where I had my last drink as a free man, he handed me the glass, which he had nicked. I still have it.

I've recently come off of anti-depressants. I tried to kick them before, ending in disaster. Back in the day, in the middle of all the depression and anxiety, I had the task of taking a couple of large carrier bags of stuff to my daughter's place, about three miles away. After this, to collect the grand-children from school. It was raining, the wind blowing. No car and the buses here are unreliable. A three mile walk in the wind and rain, with two heavy bags. My eye was on the clock, and the minutes ticked away before I knew I had to leave. The time came, I stood up, and I grabbed both the heavy bags. It just struck me then how impossible it was. I just stood in the middle of the lounge and seriously, it was in my sliding mind the time for the white-coats to come and take me away. I remember simply standing there and saying:- "I need help"......and I meant that I needed to be sectioned, taken away. My dear "other half" (who in all the long years has never said anything like "pull yourself together" or any other bullshit) just thought that I needed help with the task at hand. She said to give my mate a ring, ask him to give me a lift to my daughters. It was something to do. I rang him, and thankfully he was in, and in ten minutes he was there outside. My best mate.

Not only did he take me, but he then drove me down to the school to pick up the little kiddies, then he hung around for a few more hours (missing his own dinner) after I poured out a few of my problems to him. It brought us closer. Really, he had saved me from the knackers yard. Once or twice I've tried to explain to him but I think he just looked upon it as a small favour.

Gratitude. He was the mate who died from a sudden heart attack just a couple of months ago. What can you say?