Lovus My Avatarus
While on work practicum this past week I got into a great discussion regarding music from the 80's. When talking about the decade, I have always divided it into two parts, as I find the late 80's so different from the early 80's. The early part gave us some of the best rock albums ever..especially from 1982 to 1984 when great titles were coming out non stop. Everyone seemed to rock a little harder then, with less annoying keyboards and much less hairspray. Once the synth bug hit around 1986, it all started to change.
Overall I prefer from 1980 to 85. Which half of the decade do you people like and why? Do you agree or disagree with my division of the decade?
Overall I prefer from 1980 to 85. Which half of the decade do you people like and why? Do you agree or disagree with my division of the decade?