I was a freshman in college when Deguello came out and I wore out an 8 track, then bought the album, cassette, and CD.
My Story behind loving “Low Down in the Street” is the straight up boogie funk of the song. I was going to a School that was about 20 miles from my mom’s home. So the winter of ’79 I stayed with a friend who lived close to campus. We use to put on our dark Aviator sunglasses and dance like crazy girls to this song.
Back in ‘79 you could legally buy beer at age 18….and we drank a lot of beer listening to Deguello and doing drunk girls‘ versions of keraoke to “low down in the street”. It’s the funkiest song on Deguello, IMO. And was my gateway into other funk….
I just love this song!
do you like Deguello? Give me your thoughts & opinions…