Frank Marino & Mahogany Rush DVD announcement

Jan 4, 2015
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Willy Parsons set up Frank's website and informed us that Frank's DVD is about to be released.

Frank has worked on this for the past 8 years plus, correcting the sound tracks that was totally buggered.

A couple of excerpts can be seen on Youtube, namely The Answer & Little Town of Bethlehem.

The quality is excellent.

The info is below.

Willy Parsons
Statement about the release of our Concert Video

This is it. After much work and even more waiting, I can announce the details of the Video Concert.
It's a Box-Set presented in Blu-Ray Format (HD-1920x1080) and Standard DVD Format (SD-720x480).
Both formats are included in the Box-Set, Blu-Ray on one Disc and DVD on 3 additional Discs.
There is also included a multi-chapter Book, primarily historical, in-depth, and written by a journalist.
The Book also has 20 or more extra chapters written by me, on a very personal level.
The music has been pared down and assembled so as to run for about 6 hours.

The song-list is as follows:

Guitar Intro
A New Rock & Roll
All In Your Mind
Child Of The Novelty
I'm Going Away
Are You Experienced
Bold As Love
The Wind Cries Mary
Blues Intro
Red House
The Answer
Chains Of Space
Space Unchained
Long Ago
Requiem For A Sinner
In My Ways
It's Begun To Rain
Strange Dreams
Rise Above
IV... (The Emperor)
Window To The World (Excerpt)
IV... (The Emperor) (Return)
You Got Livin'
Finish Line
Midnight Highway
Maybe It's Time
Tryin' Anyway
Go Strange
Heat Of The Moment (Excerpt)
Poppy (Return...)
She's Not There
She's Not There (Return)
Poppy (Return)
Guitar Prelude ( ... To A Hero)
Stories Of A Hero
Something's Comin' Our Way
He's Calling
Let There Be...
Strange Universe
Ode To Creation
Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame
Ain't Dead Yet (Excerpt)
Back To The Hall
Slippin' And Slidin'
Back To The Hall Again
Two 'n' Four
Rattle Of Sabres
Electric Reflections Of War
O Little Town Of Bethlehem
The World Anthem
A Prayer For Peace
Try For Freedom
Amazing Grace
End-Credits (includes 5 extra minutes of music)

We'll be offering this directly, by mail. The price will be around $100 dollars and I'll autograph copies if asked. I sincerely hope that people will support us because only if it's somewhat successful will we have the resources to tour. Details about how to get it (and where to go to order it) will be announced only when we've received the Final Masters from the pressing plant, which we're now awaiting. We could take orders right now, but I don't want to do that until I hold the actual copies in my hand (I've learned a lot about "Murphy's-Law" during the last while!). I know that many folks have waited a long time for this, and some thought it might never come. Please accept my apologies for the delay. We could've released it a year ago, or more, but we hadn't yet acquired the rights to play some of the songs on it, including some of my own songs (which copyrights aren't owned by me anymore). That's what took the extra time, and we hadn't expected that. Heck, I hadn't expected any of this to happen the way it did. But now it's finally here, God willing.

Peace to all.



Senior Member
Sep 4, 2011
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London Town
I use to have a small number of Frank Marino & Mahogany Rush cds back in the early/mid 1990s and they were both pretty enjoyable to listen to anyway one was a import studio cd called TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED released around 1979/80 (I think?) and the other was another import cd the LIVE cd from the early 1980s that has the Jimi Hendrix song Purple Haze on it and also maybe the Chuck Berry song Johnny B. Goode as well?. In the UK Frank Marion & Mahogany Rush cds were always pretty rare to find although I guess they can be picked up on Amazon these days.

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Senior Member
Jun 2, 2009
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I wonder why he's not mass marketing it. I am a fan since the 70's but at a $100 dollars for the box set offered only by direct mail, I can't see him selling too many. His fan base is limited to begin with, why limit sales even more? Not to mention, how is he going to get the word out?


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2011
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London Town
You've all heard the story regarding Frank about when he was laying in a hospital bed and was visited by the spirit of Jimi Hendrix after which Frank rose up from his hospital bed and without any previous guitar playing ability picked up a axe and plugged into a 4/12 100watt Marshall stack and played just like Jimi.

Sounds quite plausible to me because James Marshall Hendrix was and still is a ROCK GOD.

Jan 4, 2015
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You've all heard the story regarding Frank about when he was laying in a hospital bed and was visited by the spirit of Jimi Hendrix after which Frank rose up from his hospital bed and without any previous guitar playing ability picked up a axe and plugged into a 4/12 100watt Marshall stack and played just like Jimi.

Sounds quite plausible to me because James Marshall Hendrix was and still is a ROCK GOD.

Not exactly correct, this is exactly the type of thing that Frank has been fighting all of his career, misquotes that basically the press put out about him, or made up by the record companies to make money out of him, they still hold most of the rights to his music, so he hasn't really seen any of it.

"Born on November 20, 1954, in Montreal, Marino came of age in the late Sixties and, as he says, “I got involved with what people got involved with in the Sixties.” Which meant music—he started off playing the drums—and also psychedelic drugs. In 1968, at the tender age of 13, he “blew his mind” on LSD, a journey that ended his school career at seventh grade, and also landed him in a mental hospital.

“In those days, people had no idea what to do with a kid who had dropped so much acid, so they sent me to the psychiatric ward of the Montreal Children’s Hospital,” he says. “They put me in there hoping it would help me, which, ultimately, it did not. But what did help is that while I was there I learned how to play music. They kept pianos and things around for the kids to use, and there was a guitar—a cheap Stella acoustic. So I said, ‘I’ll play this.’ It was really more a way to keep my mind off what was happening to me. Because what was going on in my head was terrifying.”"

To read the full story go to


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2011
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London Town
Not exactly correct, this is exactly the type of thing that Frank has been fighting all of his career, misquotes that basically the press put out about him, or made up by the record companies to make money out of him, they still hold most of the rights to his music, so he hasn't really seen any of it.
"I won't dispute your obvious knowledge of Frank but the legend (be it untrue) of Frank picking up a (Gibson SG I presume?) and playing it without any prior knowledge after having been visited by the spirit of Jimi Hendrix when Frank was laying in his sick bed is a fascinating thought in it's self and with that vision in mind of Frank rising up off his sick bed and plugging into a 100 watt Marshall stack (that happened to beside his sick bed) and then blowing the roof off the building playing Purple Haze just like Jimi did is a great rock & roll tale to me and if I was Frank I would 'play it up' to create the mysterious interest in him even though it wasn't true."

"That's rock & roll man"

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Jan 4, 2015
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I wonder why he's not mass marketing it. I am a fan since the 70's but at a $100 dollars for the box set offered only by direct mail, I can't see him selling too many. His fan base is limited to begin with, why limit sales even more? Not to mention, how is he going to get the word out?

Well it's finally out, and this is how he is going to get the word out, his website Facebook, and his dedicated fans spreading the word.

A lot of fans are ordering more than one copy to send to friends etc.

Anyway, for those who my be interested,

This EPIC 6-hour live performance is now available and presented in an elegant box set which includes both the Blu-Ray and DVD formats in each box.

You will receive 4 discs (1 BluRay-1080HD-Disc in its own separate case and a 3-DVD-720SD-set in its own separate case), a 180 page book that delivers an in-depth chronicle of his journey, from his early beginnings right up to this performance, as well as being filled with pictures that span Frank Marino’s career.

The last 20 Chapters are written by Frank Marino in his own words and invite the reader to share intimate details about Frank’s experiences, the making of this project, his personal feelings and his outlook on his life and career.

You will have a front-row-seat to witness the awe-inspiring man himself in the highest quality picture and sound as never seen before, while he delivers an incredible 58 tracks, many of which were rarely, if ever, played live.

Available through PayPal only (no mail orders) at $100 U.S. plus shipping (calculated at purchase-point)

You can order it from the link below

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