One of my all time favourite artists. I read about him in the UK music press, and liked what I read. I was in London with a girlfriend in around 82/3 (?) and we were walking down Tottenham Court Rd, past the Dominion Theatre, and I saw a poster saying 'Tonight, from the USA: Prince'. I vividly recall saying to her 'I have heard great things about that guy' ... sadly we had arrangements with friends we couldn't get out of, and walked on .... Damn (already ;-) )
Shortly afterwards I bought the 1999 album and was hooked. First saw him on his Lovesexy Tour in 1988 at Birmingham NEC Arena. Arrived thinking we had 'OK' seats, until we saw it was actually 'in the round' and they were then FANTASTIC seats!. It was an amazing gig, and was always my all time favourite for years ... decades.
It was eventually toppled from No1 spot in 2014, at Manchester Academy ... and it was that man again. His 'Hit & Run Tour' with 3rdEyeGirl.
Cheap Trick will always be my top band, but that gig was just off the sodding scale
Had this

done after he sadly passed ...