Misadventures In Music - Thoughts Unfiltered


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Jul 8, 2022
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In The Land Of Submarines
Over the holiday, family gathered around, ate, and shared conversations. One of the board games we played was an older version of Battle of The Sexes. My mother, wife, and daughter versus myself, my brother and my nephew. So idea is the teams read questions on subject that should be lesser known to the opposite sex. For example, the men were asked questions about purses and cosmetic companies and reality tv celebrities and the women were asked questions rotary tools and fishing hooks and two questions about music. One of the questions you had to identify who did not perform at Woodstock: Santana, Bob Dylan, Sha Na Na, or Jimi Hendrix. Well right away, my lovely wife eliminated Hendrix as she loves me enough to know that “he performed that National Anthem thing.” The three collaborated and incorrectly chose Santana as the one who did not perform at Woodstock.
The other music question was which of these do not belong: Joey, Dee Dee, Stevie, Johnny. They incorrectly chose Dee Dee due to spelling I believe.
By the way we correctly guessed questions about Coach handbags, Paul Mitchell hair products and swept the second round of play 3 wins to none.

Mr Mojo Risin

Cactus Brew Drinker
Sep 27, 2023
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@BeatleMatt You guys ever play what's called 'Dirty Santa' around Christmas time?

What are the basic rules of Dirty Santa?​

  1. Have all participating guests place their anonymous, wrapped gift in a central location such as under the Christmas tree, on the dining room table, etc.
  2. Have every guest draw a number from a bowl starting at #1 and ending at how many people are playing.
  3. Whoever drew #1 selects a gift from the mysterious pile of gifts, opens it, and reveals what it is to everyone.
  4. Whoever drew #2 can either select a gift from the pile or choose to steal #1's gift (this is where the dirty in "Dirty Santa" comes in). If #1's gift is stolen, they must choose a new gift. They cannot steal their original gift back.
  5. This continues with each person having the chance to choose an unclaimed gift or steal a gift someone already has in their possession.
  6. A gift can be stolen more than once, but no more than 3 times. If your gift is stolen, no immediate takesies backsies! You have to choose from the pile or steal another gift.
  7. When all gifts have been unwrapped, usually the person who drew #1 is allowed one more turn to make the final steal or choose to keep what they already have. If #1 is satisfied and keeps their gift, the game ends. If they choose to steal, the game continues until someone chooses to keep their gift.
  8. Optional: One variation of Dirty Santa includes a rule that each participant cannot be stolen from more than 3 times.
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Senior Member
Jul 8, 2022
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In The Land Of Submarines
According to YouTube:


It’s probably a fair representation. I don’t listen to music on YouTube much. They must have prepared this data before I became obsessed with When In Rome.
I will share my year end stats from Spotify soon.


Senior Member
Jul 8, 2022
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In The Land Of Submarines
Pleasant coincidences:

In my vehicle, there is sometimes the briefest moment when the radio plays and then if a portable device is connected, it can take control of the audio source. I always have an iPod connected but the radio comes on first and then the usb ports are energized and connected devices will play.
So I jump in the Subaru and “Born In The USA” is playing on the FM radio for just about two seconds and then my iPod automatically switches on and “Jungleland” is playing from the album I was listening to previously.
The next day, the kids and I jump in Subie Doo “On The Run” is playing on the radio as I connect my iPhone and allow “Brain Damage” And the rest of that album finish playing from earlier that day.


Senior Member
Jul 8, 2022
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In The Land Of Submarines
Raise your hand if you are precisely the sort of a$$hole who hopes to impress your musical tastes upon the world so much that when you hear someone nearby clearly listening to a playlist made from the same songs that everyone else has on their playlist, that you are disgusted.
Like, here I am, listening to entire albums, the deep tracks, forgotten tracks, and occasionally “the hits” come along of course. Meanwhile, seemingly so many others around me with playlist created with just the hits. And I smugly and callously dismiss them all.
I know. I need to get a gripe.


Senior Member
Jul 8, 2022
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In The Land Of Submarines
Ok, so, remember that time, that Quincy Jones, George Martin, Micheal Jackson, and Paul McCartney are all in this room, and the best they can come up with is, “Don’t waste your time, because the doggone girl is mine”

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