Skaven Swear Runner
They did some great stuff together, but Paul Simon was always the engine room of that relationship. He has done some great stuff on his own, and continues to do so. I can't think of anything particularly outstanding that Garfunkel has done (Bright Eyes anyone?).
When I saw them live they said they had buried the hatchet, I wondered where they had buried it, they performed very well, I really don't understand why they don't get on. I think that Paul Simon has had a more successful career but together they were something else. I think Art has not done too much on his own and I actually think that he is jealous of Paul.
No one can ever take anything away from them for what they achieved, everyone should own at least a greatest hits collection if not all their albums. I will be picking up the new Paul Simon album, he sure looks old now.
@Johnny-Too-Good bright eyes hmmm