Satan Is The God Of Jesus, according to the bible & 70's music (video)

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Junior Member
Nov 24, 2014
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In the 1st 12 minutes of this video Wayne proves from the bible that Satan is the God of Jesus. He also mentions that "all entertainment" also worships Satan. When I heard that, I then searched to see if that was true, and I came across a lot of songs and videos especially from the 70's where the "all seeing eye" is shown. 2 questions - would it change your opinion about some of your favorite artists if you found out that they worshiped Satan? And do you have any examples from songs where it looks like they are worshiping Satan?


Junior Member
Nov 24, 2014
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It is an interesting subject, anyone out there want to respond?


oh, be nice
Apr 21, 2005
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It's just lazy iconography, none of these bands actually worship Satan. Hell, even the Norwegian black metal bands moved on to the Norse gods after a couple years. There's virtually no music out there made by people who genuinely worship Satan.

Conspiracy theories are a complete no go for me. They're sexy and seductive but they never stand up to a modicum of proper scrutiny.

As for what I would think if my favorite bands worshipped Satan... that depends on the specifics. LaVeyan Satanism is lamer than the lamest lame, it's the Boy Scouts doing Yoga and calling it Satanism. On the other hand, real Satanism where you rape and kill people, that's utterly deplorable, and I would be devastated if my favorite bands did that (other than Burzum who already has).

Now if they were to find a middle ground... and worship Satan as a counterpoint to the totalitarian cruelty of our uncaring, unrighteous God, but without the overwhelming hokiness of Anton LaVey, I'd be perfectly happy with my favorite bands being into that.


Jun 16, 2015
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East bum flunk. Upstate NY
It would make a much better movie than the conventional story.
And since I hold it all as pure bullshit I'll take the better movie version of the story.

And I can't help but notice that the bible thumpers seem to support the least "Jesus Like" agenda as a general rule of thumb.


Midway Up The Ceiling
Mar 23, 2014
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On The Hill
If he really understood the Bible, he would not have to go "outside the of the Bible," to prove anything. He is also missing the whole point. It's not about religion, but a relationship with God. As soon as he said he was going to go outside of the Bible for a moment, he took his eyes off of what God really wants to do in each person's life, and he started telling the viewers what he wanted, and not what God wants. God is not that complicated, but people sure do there best to make Him out that way. Very sad. :(


Keep on Truckin'
Apr 22, 2015
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New England
On the other hand, real Satanism where you rape and kill people....

What? :oyea:

Satanism is about the self: narcissism, hedonism. It is: do what you like. It is not: you shall proceed forth to kill and rape.

Movies aren't truth. ;)

There are bad-guys that espouse "Satan made me do it" but that's a cop-out and a convenient place for blame that ignorant people believe.

No, lol, I am no Satanist (pick your flavor). Nor am I a Christian (again, pick your flavor), which I see as just as ridiculous. Nor am I Islamic or any religion at all. They are all scourges that detract from Human evolution. They are all dogmatic and promote self-serving ideas and fear. Worse, they exonerate bad behavior.

You are free to believe and practice what you will, of course, but for myself, more Buddhist than anything, I seek clarity and truth. It's a lonely road where I only have myself to blame and no ghost in the sky or ground to please.


oh, be nice
Apr 21, 2005
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What? :oyea:

Satanism is about the self: narcissism, hedonism. It is: do what you like. It is not: you shall proceed forth to kill and rape.

You're clearly talking about LaVeyan Satanism, which I specifically addressed in my post. Satanism is a word with many meanings. Some see Satan as "The Adversary," the harbinger of free will, based on early Biblical appearances and popular culture. And then there is the archetypal Biblical Satanism, primarily New Testament, where he is the epitome of evil and to do his bidding would be to commit atrocities. If we're being strict, the 'rape and kill' version of Satanism predates the 'do what thou wilt' version, so I wouldn't be so smug about acting as if the former doesn't exist.

No, lol, I am no Satanist (pick your flavor). Nor am I a Christian (again, pick your flavor), which I see as just as ridiculous. Nor am I Islamic or any religion at all. They are all scourges that detract from Human evolution. They are all dogmatic and promote self-serving ideas and fear. Worse, they exonerate bad behavior.

You are free to believe and practice what you will, of course, but for myself, more Buddhist than anything, I seek clarity and truth. It's a lonely road where I only have myself to blame and no ghost in the sky or ground to please.

Do what works for you. It all has the power to do good and evil, even Satanism. And even Buddhism, widely considered the religion of peace in the west, has been used to commit atrocities -- Buddhists in Myanmar have rounded up Muslims and put them in concentration camps, and this is happening right now. The religion itself is incidental at best, the good or evil of the person espousing it will decide whether they commit good or evil acts.

Metal Health

Senior Member
Dec 22, 2014
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Northern California
Why did you come here to say that? Are you bashing our love and passion for our great music? Because as I understand, by your beliefs, we are all doing horrible things by being entertained by "70s music".


Keep on Truckin'
Apr 22, 2015
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New England
@AboutAGirl - More Buddhist than anything. Which is to say a philosophy, as Buddhism basically is, instead of religion. Buddhists 'seek', the religious 'know'. I follow no tenets other than 'seek'. I might say Humanism as well with a bit of chaotic good thrown in for good measure ;)

Satanism is anti-god. So the opposite of 'for others' or in 'humility' or 'submission' of/to a 'wiser' one.

I view Anton LeVey as a fraud, a charlatan. I don't view his brand of Satanism to be different than what you call Biblical Satanism. It is all merely opposite and for the self. If you want to interpret that as ****** and killing = Satanism then so be it but I don't think any flavor is exclusive of the other, all encompassing the self.

@Metal Health - don't take it so hard. Those that disagree aren't necessarily an enemy and to consider a thing doesn't mean that you embrace it. Empiricism (my favorite "ism") is a good thing.
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