RUSH "Clockwork Angels" CD details revealed


An Englishman in New York
Feb 23, 2011
Reaction score
Manhattan, New York City, USA
Generally you either love Rush or hate them. For whatever reason, some people don't "get them" of the quality and variety of their work. So be it.


If you want to see what 38 years of musicianship, craftsmanship, and striving to be better gets you in the world of rock, I can think of no better illustration than 'Clockwork Angels.' I pretty much agree with most of what has been said. It is singularly their best work IMO, and I dare say, better even than '2112.' From the opening chords of "Caravan," which pushes you into the intriguing and introspective steampunk world of the album, feeling the steady thrum of Geddy's bass, counter-pointed that with the thunder of Neil's drums, and overlain with the siren song of Alex's guitar, I am are wrapped up and enthralled in a sonic exploration of an amazing and vibrant world. The fact that Rush can produce Vapor Trails, Snakes and Arrows and now Clockwork Angels thirty plus years INTO THEIR CAREER is just outrageous!! Production problems aside, VP was I thought outstanding, S&A even better, and now Clockwork Angels, a masterpiece. The title song is my favorite so far. Headlong Flight and Seven Cities Of Gold are epic Rush, The Wreckers has a chorus that will stay in my head all day, FM radio will crave it. Wish Them Well is a positive, uplifting precursor to the finale...the most unexpected Rush song, perhaps ever, The Garden. I mean how good is this? This album being a concept of a lifelong journey, ending it with bombast would not have fit. It should end with reflection, peace.. in your place of comfort...your garden, just inspired.

PS...As for those ridiculous calls for Rush in the RRHOF?? Who cares? Well not me. I think the band actually wears the snub like a badge of honor anyway...better off out than in, when you look at some of the rubbish that gets inducted.

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