Motley Crue to tour in 2020 with Def Leppard and Poison


Here for the cookies and the tunes
Jan 5, 2010
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The Land of Sky Blue Waters

A quote from Nikki Sixx in 2014:
“Legally, we can’t play again,” bassist Nikki Sixx claimed to Rolling Stone backstage at a 2014 show in Denver. “The only loophole is if all four band members agreed to do it, we could override our own contract. But we know that will never happen. There are people in this band who will refuse to ever do it again, and you’re talking to one of them. There is no amount of money that would ever make me do it again because I have such pride in how we’re ending it.”

Another quote from Nikki:
“If anybody ever — and I don’t believe anybody ever would — would call any other band members and say, ‘Hey, it’s been 10 years, let’s just do 10 shows. A million a pop,’ it could never happen unless all four band members agreed,” Sixx added. “And if we did agree, the way we’ve set it up — including this conversation right now — we’d have so much egg on our face. We have so much pride that that alone would stop it.”

And another from Nikki:
In February, Sixx reiterated to Rolling Stone that the group had no plans to reform even as he expressed doubts about the decision. “Sometimes I look out at my friends, like the guys in Aerosmith and Metallica, and I’m like, ‘Goddamn it, did we retire too soon?’ ” he said. “But there will be no one-offs in our future. Maybe we’ll just get together and jam in Mick Mars’ front room.”


Here for the cookies and the tunes
Jan 5, 2010
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The Land of Sky Blue Waters
Well, a great many people didn't believe it at the time that the band would be done forever. Now those people are justified in their thoughts.

I was not one of them. I was lucky enough to see the band about 2-3 weeks before their final show on New Years Eve 2015 in Los Angeles. Went with two of my kids and we have a blast. Hell of a good show. Alice Cooper opened and also put on a great show.

Anyway, my personal thoughts on their retiring and signing a "contract" that they'd never tour again was justified. Not because they couldn't tour, but I firmly believed that it was all because of Mick. The guy has been in excruciating pain for many, many years. He's barely mobile on stage and has been hunched over like and old man for a long time. They never really came straight out and said that the retirement was due to him, but I figured they did it out of respect to him and wouldn't tour again because of that.

Vince has been on and off touring over the past couple of years. I'm fairly certain Nikki did with at least one of his bands for a bit, plus Nikki is always on Twitter bitching about the likes of KISS (Gene Simmons specifically) and trashing other artists, on top of his radio/XM shows and other stuff he has his fingers in.


Here for the cookies and the tunes
Jan 5, 2010
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The Land of Sky Blue Waters
plus Nikki is always on Twitter bitching about the likes of KISS (Gene Simmons specifically)

Speaking of this very topic ... I have mixed feelings about Nikki doing this. I have always liked Motley Crue, dating back to the early days and the first time that I saw them on stage during the '83 US Festival. Shout at the Devil wasn't even out yet, but they played a few songs from the album and I was immediately drawn to the band.

But, even back then and as they got bigger and I saw them on several tour in the 80's, I said that they were obviously influenced by KISS, including parts of their stage show (obviously not everything, but the influence was there). Seeing Nikki bitching about KISS earlier this year after the two bands toured together a couple of years ago was kind of turn off. Nikki acting like KISS was stealing ideas from them when it was the exact opposite all of those years ago. Motley's first national tour was opening up for KISS back in '82.

Now, we have Motley Crue pulling a "final tour", retire and then unretiring, just as KISS has been accused of doing for many years. Thing is, prior to the current KISS tour (titled "The End of the Road Tour"), KISS only had one farewell tour back in the early 2000's. They've been touring almost yearly ever since, yet some people make it seem like they retire, come back, retire, come back, etc etc. That's not the case. But, now Nikki and the rest of the Motley's can be added to the same list of "retired but came back anyway".


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2009
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Beer, Cheese and Harleys flow
It would be kind of cool to see Vince lose the 40lbs and get into great shape, get his vocal chords healthier and sing better than he has in years. Would also be good to see Tommy get off of speed or whatever he's doing lately, it's clearly messing him up bad. A newly healthy Motley Crue with a 70-year old guitarist who still f*cking rocks would be a trip.


Here for the cookies and the tunes
Jan 5, 2010
Reaction score
The Land of Sky Blue Waters
Agreed. Vince's vocals were easily the worst part of the show on that final tour. He can't hit half of the notes in the live show. There are plenty of live Crue videos as well as Vince solo show vids out there that document this very well. He spends half the songs walking back and forth across the stage "singing" (if you want to call it that) the wrong lyrics and then holding up the microphone for the audience to sing the other half of every song.

IT's weird, because the studio stuff that he does still sounds pretty good, but live, he's kind of a disaster. Losing weight would surely help as well.

I'm interested in this, but I'm also kind of "Meh" about it. Would love to see the whole lineup though with Poison and Def Leppard as well. Def Lep has always put on a good show.

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