Motley Crue (Official Thread)

Riff Raff

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Dec 8, 2010
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Merged. Try to post the videos all in one post rather than all it's own post.


Here for the cookies and the tunes
Jan 5, 2010
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The Land of Sky Blue Waters
I've never been able to get into that S/T album from '94 with Corabi. It's not because Vince Neil was so awesome and Corabi sucks, rather just that the album isn't even remotely a "Motley Crue" album. Has no songwriting (musically or lyrically) that resembles anything that Crue did on their first 5 albums

If this album had been released as some no name band with a debut album, it may have been more palatable to me. I can listen to it now, but only every so often, simply because of the fact that I know it's Motley Crue but not MY Motley Crue. (does that make sense).


Skaven Swear Runner
Mar 28, 2015
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I've never been able to get into that S/T album from '94 with Corabi. It's not because Vince Neil was so awesome and Corabi sucks, rather just that the album isn't even remotely a "Motley Crue" album. Has no songwriting (musically or lyrically) that resembles anything that Crue did on their first 5 albums

If this album had been released as some no name band with a debut album, it may have been more palatable to me. I can listen to it now, but only every so often, simply because of the fact that I know it's Motley Crue but not MY Motley Crue. (does that make sense).

Yes...But for me John Corabi is a better vocalist than Vince Neil like you its not really a Crue album I would have liked it as a new band same musicians but not under the Motley Crue Title plus thwn we may have gotten a second album the only bad taste in my mouth was the crap way Corabi was sack I thought it SUCKED!

Riff Raff

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Super Moderator
Dec 8, 2010
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I've never been able to get into that S/T album from '94 with Corabi. It's not because Vince Neil was so awesome and Corabi sucks, rather just that the album isn't even remotely a "Motley Crue" album. Has no songwriting (musically or lyrically) that resembles anything that Crue did on their first 5 albums

If this album had been released as some no name band with a debut album, it may have been more palatable to me. I can listen to it now, but only every so often, simply because of the fact that I know it's Motley Crue but not MY Motley Crue. (does that make sense).
I haven't heard this album yet but couldn't be any worse than albums like Generation Swine as that album was for me the worst of all the stuff I'd heard.


Here for the cookies and the tunes
Jan 5, 2010
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The Land of Sky Blue Waters
Riff: Gen Swine was crap. No nice way to say it. The selfititled '94 album wasn't bad, but it wasn't Motley Crue. The only track that I can think of off of the top of my head that even remotely could have been done by the original lineup and sounded like a proper Crue track would have been Poison Apples (if I am remembering correctly). As I said earlier, Corabi is a good vocalist, in all honesty, he's a lot better than Vince, but Vince was the face and voice of the Crue, so replacing him with someone that sounded nothing like their classic sound is why the album and lineup bombed.

But, it's still better than Gen Swine.


Here for the cookies and the tunes
Jan 5, 2010
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The Land of Sky Blue Waters
Interesting Ernie Ball vid here with Mick Mars

I do like these EB String Theory vids. They have done this with several well known players. :cool:


Here for the cookies and the tunes
Jan 5, 2010
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The Land of Sky Blue Waters
Saw this twatter post that Nikki put up yesterday and I don't know if I should laugh, cry or send a proverbial backhand in Nikki's direction.


I could shred just bout everything from this post and I may very well do that, but the first couple of things that come to mind are as follows:

1) Motley Crue has been "stealing" stage antics from KISS from the very beginning. There are way too many examples of this to even list.
2) KISS has been using cranes, drum lifts, etc for decades. This isn't new Nikki and you weren't the first
3) Seriously, does Nikki really believe that they invented stage cranes? :wtf:
4) ... and this is probably the key aspect here... Nikki is not a dumb dude, I 100% believe that he is doing this for the publicity. They have the Motley Crue movie (The Dirt) coming out on Netflix in a few weeks. I firmly believe that this is a calculated publicity / advertising stunt and nothing more. Nikki has bitched about Gene for years so, I put zero stock into any sort of "thievery" that he is alluding to.