We Built This House - Scorpions
Griffin, LWM, Shaggy are listed as admin under members...........send them a pm.^^more evidence of the woke rubbish that shaggy enforced... does the person who owns this site ever take a look on here??
Griffin, LWM, Shaggy are listed as admin under members...........send them a pm.
Indeed dr wu - I think a sensible mature and reasonable conversation has to be had concerning this, let's face it no regular member on here uses words that are defamatory towards anyone of colour, religion or s.exual preference. So the music phrase K. raut rock even the punk band P. enertration should not be banned on here... there are many many more. There is a chocolate bar called a walnut w. hip (because of it's shape) I changed my post yesterday on the grocery thread... Ridiculous! Cream and sauces are w.hipped-what has this to do with Cruelty?Griffin, LWM, Shaggy are listed as admin under members...........send them a pm.