State of the Forum: Things I Want to Address

Soot and Stars

Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
Small Town NH, USA
I don't think it has to be said for most and we're tolerant as Hell with the banter we allow but it you're given unwanted advances and harassing anyone in an unwanted manner, up to and including sexual advances, then we aren't going to be the modern social media, don't know if you're going to find someone's tool in your mailbox when you log in place. There are things you see and there are things you don't. Their are chances given by a rational staff as well as rational, forgiving members. There is a final limit on all sides.

As far as what we are, what we get to do and what we aim to have. Here's the course. We're not going to be facebook or even lower forms of social media which is a place where it's become annoying to even log into because of the endless spiral of troll labels like "libs", "conservatives", "snowflakes", "natzis", etc. having a non-dialog that never goes anywhere. No one is solving problems and social media elsewhere has become the level of Reddit and youtube comments where people are actually trolling or ego stroking their side of the pointless debate. I'd like to think that people want a place to escape that. The ones who like to rabble rouse have a million options. This isn't a "safe place". It's a good place. Music is supposed to transcend differences. How can it when the differences are dug out and thrown in each others faces.

When I started here we had a serious discussions forum and it was the most obnoxious thing the forum's ever had and THAT was more peaceful, tolerant times for the online world and communities. It was nixed as a decision by the full staff and it was a good decision. Following that we flourished just fine and actually had our best results as a whole with members and activity. Would I scour with a magnifying glass and censor every topical thing here? No, but my eyes are open. I will delete the dialog that escalates and is obviously not going anywhere. Then if it's the same instigator it would be handled accordingly. I think that's fair We don't need debate to be productive in a music forum. At one time I though music was the most productive thing in a music forum.

As far as our tech and how dated it is? Sure, sometimes some things could be modified and I wish I had more leg room there. I'm not THAT disappointed though as I think the format stands out. I love it. You can make a thread feel like a real piece of dedication and work here. When i had more time here I loved making opuses with pictures, text, colors, info and tracks. I felt like "Damn! I really showed how much this band means to me and did them justice. I've tried doing and running the music groups on facebook and it's just not the same. If you truly love talking music there's nothing like it and the music forum is still unique. I've posted just about every core band I've loved in great detail. If I felt that sharing newer bands was a bigger interest here I'd do more but I don't fault anyone for that. I want you guys to contribute music in the way you guys want and keep a pure music forum going with your passion for the classics and beyond. An even moderate successful forum is a rare gem in todays online world.

I love you guys, co-staff and members. Honestly, you guys have made this place the easiest it's ever been to maintain. That's really a blessing now that I'm balancing a greater work grind, a bigger social environment, so many interests and you guys were so cool during my rough patch where I was working through the last years with my grandparents. I wanted to reach out and show that I care and want this to be a cool place even when I log in to tough base daily or even just browsing on my phone (not logged in). Message any of us staff when you have a problem. Talk to me and let's work together to be an awesome place. More than ever it's staff and members that make this work. Peace!


Hey look, it's Freiza!
Jun 5, 2015
Reaction score
right where I was
Are you leaving or something? Did something happen recently? (Grabs popcorn).

Soot and Stars

Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
Small Town NH, USA
Nope. Not leaving. Just addressing some recent issues. Number one being the most recent and sharing some transparency with the rest. I've never been one not to share my thoughts and will always periodically touch bases. May be a boring thing to indulge in popcorn to but I like to open up the lines of communication and rally some good mojo oncein a while. Any negatives I address is to keep things as civil as possible. That's the whole intent at it's core.

Riff Raff

Super Moderator
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 8, 2010
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Transparency from admin/mod team to members is key to a good forum and we try to be on things that need it such as this with diplomacy. :)


Settled down at last and very happy.
Jan 1, 2010
Reaction score
On a far away island .....
I remember the 'Serious Discussion' part of the forum and thought it was a good idea to get rid of it. There's no doubt this forum is a lot quieter than it used to be but I still drop in now and again - it's like visiting old friends. :)

I have looked at other so called music forums but quite honestly some of the inane, rubbishy, childish posts put me right off ever joining in. This is still the only forum I am a member of.

You do a very good job Sooty and Sharp Dressed Man also thanks to the mods!

Soot and Stars

Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
Small Town NH, USA
Always miss you here @Sunny but I always know you have a thirst for adventure, travel and getting out to be productive at every chance you can. Any time you drop in has always been cool to see. A lot of people have a shelf life online and abandon places altogether. :)

Riff Raff

Super Moderator
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 8, 2010
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I remember the 'Serious Discussion' part of the forum and thought it was a good idea to get rid of it. There's no doubt this forum is a lot quieter than it used to be but I still drop in now and again - it's like visiting old friends. :)

I have looked at other so called music forums but quite honestly some of the inane, rubbishy, childish posts put me right off ever joining in. This is still the only forum I am a member of.

You do a very good job Sooty and Sharp Dressed Man also thanks to the mods!

A lot of those forums have low standards when it comes to drama but the low tolerance for it here has been a part of why I like this forum. Glad people like you have stuck around. :)


Skaven Swear Runner
Mar 28, 2015
Reaction score
Nope. Not leaving. Just addressing some recent issues. Number one being the most recent and sharing some transparency with the rest. I've never been one not to share my thoughts and will always periodically touch bases. May be a boring thing to indulge in popcorn to but I like to open up the lines of communication and rally some good mojo oncein a while. Any negatives I address is to keep things as civil as possible. That's the whole intent at it's core.

Always miss you here @Sunny but I always know you have a thirst for adventure, travel and getting out to be productive at every chance you can. Any time you drop in has always been cool to see. A lot of people have a shelf life online and abandon places altogether. :)

A lot of those forums have low standards when it comes to drama but the low tolerance for it here has been a part of why I like this forum. Glad people like you have stuck around. :)

this forum is an excellently rum by @Soot and Stars, @Sharp Dressed Man, @Riff Raff and @That 7o`s Guy you dudes do an absolute awesome job this is the greatest forum on music I`ve ever been on so a huge thank you to you dudes :bow::bow::bow::bow::grinthumb


Speed Demon
Oct 25, 2016
Reaction score
Mad Max Wasteland
I adore this forum. I yearn to come on here when I'm not able to and see what old and new music tastes I can indulge in, be a part of it all, expand my listening options to a tasty plethora, etc.

I know what you're speaking of, Sooty, or what might have provoked or incited part of this addressing. Despite the vulgar behavior and obscenities, I can see, as you say, how much it's condoned. Some poking ain't too bad to me, but I suppose there is limiting to a degree of said behavior...

The entire scope of the modding team deserves much recognition. You all do well to make this place conceivable and well renowned in comparison to its rival forums. Some are abhorrent as all get out.

While I haven't really done much around here and am fairly new to this site, I really do feel as if each and every one of us could have some sort of gathering and have zero problems (well, maybe a few?) like a dysfunctional family. :pullhair: :tongue:

Won't say much more, other than I really applaud the work you all put into this forum and that I really appreciate and like every single one of you, staff and member alike. I'll grow into this site, as many of you have. :D :cheers2
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