When Queensryche(the new version) and Geoff both release new material the people will decide who's better. Something must have happened after the last studio album that pissed off the band, considering Tate is the main songwriter and how disappointing the last album was it really isn't a surprise things turned out this way.
There is another court date later this year to decide who gets to use the name.
Hi LG,
What happened was the band has no ideas and they had to fulfill their record deal and Tate was the only one that put the effort in, Tate then used studio musicians for most of the album as Jackason and Wilton just had no ideas and never showed up to play their bits.. as the music became more rock and less metal, ( not that Ryche was ever metal since RFO or MC) and even Chris had had it with metal and was moving towards modern grunge and then left , Geoff was left to do more *** more ,, and the band became exposed as a band of clingons..
Wilton met La Torre at Namm.. and they became friends, they started a side project called Rising West, but soon Wilton and Rockenfield, along with Jackson thought they could fire Tate and keep his share , they fired tates wife Susan behind his back and he freaked out, Rising West knew trhey could not draw without the name and they sued to get the name.. Tate freaked out and I dont blame him.... Wilton cried that he got punched ( what a pussy).. Scott whined he got spit on ( boo hoo).. Jackson is a zero and might as well be a zombie..
The clingons became greedy.. and so many think that LaTorre can write and he cant.. and the clingons are using other songs also as they cant write.. Todd La Troll is a loser, he is ruining the music..his voice is horrible..
I know so much on this..and have known them all for so long , but the reality is Tate was good to them all and he carried them... Scott never even did meet and greets, Wilton can say about 10 words.. and Jackson can only say " thanks for listening"...
Tate if he was a bad guy would have left when Chris left and told the band to "F themselves" and started a solo band and played the Ryche tunes ( think Paul with Wings) and most of us would ahve been happy.. but he stuck with his friends who stabbed him in the back..Goff was hoping Chris would return so he held it together..
I read about how terrible Geoff is by some internet trolls that are raving that Clingonryche is the real ryche.. but having met Geoff many times I know he is a decent guy.. has always been nice to my wife and me.. has taken the time to have real talks about real things.. nobody else in the band besides Chris has any real talent or decency..and this is coming from someon who on social issue does not agree with Geoff at all.. but I know he is a good guy.. and Im tired of how the break up is being portrayed..
Latorre- Lundgren ( Geoffs ex son in law) is not Tate- Degarmo.. LOL