4 signs the Beiber backlash has begun

That 70s Guy

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Jan 21, 2010
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Nova Scotia Canada

4 Signs the Backlash Against Justin Bieber Has Begun

Pop culture figures have a pretty consistent life cycle. First the person is adored by a small group, then the critics appear, then the figure is violently slaughtered on the altar of our disinterest, then snacks. Sometimes it's really hard to tell when it stops being cool to like someone (Christopher Nolan sucks now, right? Is that what we're supposed to think?), but sometimes the media help us out by finding the next person in line for sacrifice and arbitrarily deciding that everything he or she does is awful. Like when Justin Bieber ...

#4. Was Late for a Show

If you've been on the Internet in the past few days, you've probably heard about the fact that Beibz was a whole two hours late to his own show in London -- a crime that's bad enough to make even his most die-hard fans say, "We were all fans and now we hate him."

Which is an amazing story, because it proves that these people have never been to a rock concert in their goddamn lives. When was the last time a headlining act hit the stage when they said they were going to? Rock bands like Guns n' Roses actually plan ahead on being late. You can say it's ridiculous to compare pop stars to rock legends like that, but to be fair, they do have the same job.

Oh, and by the way: According to both Bieber and people who were actually at the concert, he was just 40 minutes late. "Two hours" is just something some pissed-off parents said in an interview while also complaining about how it was a school night, and then everyone just ran with it.

#3. Took Off His Shirt

After some pictures of Bieber "parading around London shirtless" appeared online, websites and the actress Olivia Wilde were both quick to give him shit about it, the latter saying, "put your ****ing shirt on." No, we're not going to show you pictures of a shirtless 19-year-old boy. You can Google that yourself.

Frankly, we're surprised Bieber has gone this long without taking his shirt off in public. Compare him to 50 Cent, or Robert Plant, or Sid Vicious, or any of the other hundreds of male rock stars who know that shirts are for squares, and Bieber seems downright conservative. Especially next to Iggy Pop.

It's part of the act because, again, he's a performer.

#2. Has Crazy Fans

We're not gonna mince words here: "Beliebers" are really ****ing annoying. But you have to look at them in the proper context. Bieber appeals primarily to teen and preteen girls -- two groups that are drawn to pop idols like moths to a vacuum cleaner. Bieber's been carefully modeled by really smart marketing executives to be that vacuum cleaner. And he's definitely not the first model.

So why are people writing panicky, alarmist bullshit about how obsessive his fans are? The guy writing that article says that people tweeting that they'd "do anything" to meet Bieber "scares" him, which confuses us because 1) teenagers say ridiculous stuff like that all the time and 2) everyone on Twitter is full of shit. While it's definitely ****ed up that people are waging hate campaigns against those who say they don't like Bieber on Twitter, blaming that on Bieber himself is just as dumb as blaming horny Internet creeps on My Little Pony.

#1. Had His "Worst Birthday"

Justin Bieber's 19th birthday was on March 1. That's a piece of knowledge that's in our heads now, and you know why? Because the Internet just would not shut up about it. It was pretty much the biggest story in the world at the beginning of March, and if you didn't do your homework, you may not have realized that the whole thing came down to two words in a single tweet: "worst birthday."

That's it. That's the whole story: A 19-year-old kid thought that his birthday was the worst one of all the birthdays just long enough to type it up on his phone. Then he got over it. We looked into what pissed him off, but it turns out it was something stupid and we don't care.

Here's the point: The kid's a plastic-mold pop star, which means his career has had an expiration date stamped on it since day one. This whole Justin Bieber thing is gonna run its course, and once it's over, hopefully the guy will have a nice life. If you don't like his music, that's really all there is to say.

Stay away from heroin and go easy on the plastic surgery, 'kay?


Fade To Black
Apr 20, 2009
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I don't really care about the Bieber but am looking forward to the day he's replaced by someone younger and cuter, getting awfully tired of the hype surrounding everything he does.

I saw something a few weeks ago about his break-up with Selena Gomez, apparently he's gone totally "hood" and she didn't like his posse'. Smart girl she can do better.

Mr. Bob Dobolina

Senior Member
Jun 25, 2011
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Pasadena, CA USA
I think The Monkees said it best in the song "You and I" co-written by Davy Jones: "In a year or maybe two, we'll be gone and someone new will take our place. There'll be another song, another voice, another pretty face". The clock is ticking Justin, tick-tock.


Great White North
Apr 14, 2011
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Niagara Falls, Ontario
I don't really care about the Bieber but am looking forward to the day he's replaced by someone younger and cuter, getting awfully tired of the hype surrounding everything he does.

I saw something a few weeks ago about his break-up with Selena Gomez, apparently he's gone totally "hood" and she didn't like his posse'. Smart girl she can do better.

Looks like one of his posse is about to depart this earth. I'm sure he'll be up for a Darwin award.


Aging Metalhead
Mar 2, 2012
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The Barrens
History repeats itself



Senior Member
Jan 13, 2013
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bieber walking around in public shirtless ? I thought that was illegal except for nudist beaches and the occasional flashing at mardi gras ;)

Soot and Stars

Sep 23, 2009
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Small Town NH, USA
This place pays more attention to Bieber than any other group I'm around. Kind of funny concerning the fact that most here think he's overhyped! :D


Aging Metalhead
Mar 2, 2012
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The Barrens
Actually, I never give the kid a second thought outside of here. He's an easy target, for sure.

So easy, in fact, that I let alot of punch lines go. I mean alot.

You know, Soot, there is a bunch of Beiber bashing here.

Just speaking for myself, if I had to theorize why, I'd say I have a certain amount of contempt.

It's not the kid himself, mind you.

It's what he stands for that irritates me.

He encapsulates what the music industry is all about. It can be described in one word:


In the 'old days', scouts went out looking for talent. And the bands toured their a$$es off in small venues everywhere in the hopes that one of those scouts would 'discover' them.

There was a lot of work to be done by all involved. And it was a gamble because these unknown bands weren't a lock to hit it big.

Today, however, no one has to leave their office. They have cattle calls (Idol, etc) that bring the *ahem* talent to one place. Or, in Beiber's case, they get 'discovered' on You Tube.

There's no risk in signing artists today.

Millions of people voted, or watched the YT vid, so the suits already know they're gonna make money.

Which, you can't really fault. It's smart business. They're gonna make money, and the artist makes money.

Today, they're signed, not necessarily because they're the best, but because they're the best of this bunch.

Huge difference


Fade To Black
Apr 20, 2009
Reaction score
This place pays more attention to Bieber than any other group I'm around. Kind of funny concerning the fact that most here think he's overhyped! :D

Not surprising he's the poster boy for what's wrong with Pop music and fair game considering you can't help but hear about him no matter where you go or what you're watching.

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