Queensryche (Official Thread)


Woman of the World
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Apr 20, 2009
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Ohio, USA
Chris DeGarmo also put his skills to work for his daughter, Rylie.


Love Song


Woman of the World
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Apr 20, 2009
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Ohio, USA
Circa 1999




Before I comment on the album I want to state I have never listened to anything from this album before, not even the 2 singles that were released. I went into this album clueless.

I know from my reading of reviews and articles that Q2K has a new lead guitarist, Kelly Gray, pictured below.


I also know that Queensryche now has one leader…Geoff Tate. This is the Tate show!


I don’t have too much to say about the Q2K album. The album is ok. Nothing spectacular but there are a few stand outs.

Queensryche continued with that grungy feel. The production is top notch. The musicianship is good, the vocals are good, it’s the lyrics & song writing that is mediocre. The album is totally mid-paced songs that I would consider to be an ok listening experience.

There were two song highlights for me. They lean towards being ballads, but are very good, IMO. Queensryche has always been excellent when it comes to beautifully done ballads.

When the Rain Comes

The Right Side of My Mind

It wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t mention the hardest rocker, How Could I Know. Excellent!



Woman of the World
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Apr 20, 2009
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Ohio, USA
Circa 2002.

Queensryche have been on hiatus.

Geoff Tate puts out a S/T solo album…it is an official Tate show!



Geoff Tate, the album, was a commercial success. I can understand why, too. The main show of the album is Geoff‘s vocals. He definitely has a beautiful voice.

The album is the farthest one could get from the style of Queensryche. The Geoff Tate album is contemporary rock / pop rock / AOR sprinkled with some electronic tricks and stunning piano accents.

This album is very chill. A cuddle up with your mate, album. The album was a pleasure to listen to. It’s not a romantic album, with sappy love songs, but a relaxing mix of songs.
My rating 7/10

My picks…




Woman of the World
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Apr 20, 2009
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Ohio, USA
Circa 2003



For the first time since Queensryche began the band has become a 4 piece. They were being pressured by Sanctuary Records to get a new album together. So they asked Chris DeGarmo for help, and he agreed.
Something happened, though, part way through recording sessions, and DeGarmo left before the album’s completion, leaving Mike Wilton as lead guitar & adding Mike Stone as rhythm guitar.

Now that we know some background to the album, how is Tribe? Pretty damn good, IMO.

The album kicks off with “Open” which has all the original band members on board. A ‘Ryche’ highlight of the album.

Skipping to the next highlight, “Desert Dance“. Quite heavy, with all members present. Nice sound effects but an annoying repetitive “keep reaching” that almost ruins things for me…

Skipping on to a beautiful ballad, “Rhythm of Hope” which has an orchestral accompaniment and Geoff sounds fantastic! This one is minus any help from DeGarmo and proves that Eddie Jackson can write excellent music!

Skipping on to the two closing songs are Tate & DeGarmo creations. Excellent musicianship, but they lacked that ‘Ryche’ magic. “The Art of Life” is spoken word song and “Doin’ Fine“ is a quasi-ballad that ends with “No More GoodByes”

Tribe is melodic, with some hard hitting riffs, and great vocals. 8/10


Woman of the World
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Apr 20, 2009
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Ohio, USA
Circa 2007



I am not going to go into too much detail on Take Cover. It’s a covers album. For the most part, the covers are all very well done. One single was released, Welcome to the Machine (Pink Floyd), and it is a very, very good cover, not just another “sound alike“ song!


Almost Cut My Hair (CSNY)

Red Rain (Peter Gabriel)

The album ends with a 10 minute long live recording of “Bullet the Blue Sky” (U2)…..it’s a blistering, super charged up cover…with an Uncle Ted guitar vibe…..bravissimo!

I don’t think this album is essential, but I urge you to give it a listen. I am glad I did. I am still shook at how good Bullet the Blue Sky is…

8.5/ 10


Woman of the World
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Apr 20, 2009
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Ohio, USA
Circa 2009




Before I get started on the album, look what I got my hands on from EBay….it’s badd ass and I will most likely wear it every July 4th!


Where to begin with American Soldier? I have a lot to say! First, this is a concept album. It tells a story that way too many men and women know all too well…..what it feels like to be a soldier in a war. Geoff Tate put a lot of time and research into this album. He interviewed countless soldiers, recording their own stories and words. Geoff then used these soldiers stories to build lyrics and used their spoken words as a very poignant sound effect throughout the whole album. The album is a brilliant masterpiece!

The album is meant to be listened to from beginning to end. The songs flow together perfectly. Not a weak moment in the whole album. In my humble opinion, there is no “plucking” one song out as a highlight. It is THAT good! I will post the only single from the album, which I consider an album highlight…..

If I Were King

I found myself having an emotional connection to American Soldier for two reasons: 1) my eldest brother was a Vietnam Air Force Veteran. I heard him tell stories very similar to the stories the album tells. 2) my husband is a Marine Veteran and I spent the first two years of our marriage on a military base, listening to countless war stories from other Vets…and living a military life.

This Album isn’t upbeat. There are no showboating solo’s (there are a couple short simple solo’s to emphasize a feeling). There are no happy, joyous moments…..just pure emotion, pouring from the music and vocals. This album is, without a doubt, my favorite Queensryche album thus far. I never thought anything would top Operation: Mindcrime, Empire, or Promised Land, but American Soldier did exactly that.

I liked the album closer….very atmospheric, deep, dark and heavy….

The Voice

Full Album for those that are curious:


Woman of the World
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Apr 20, 2009
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Ohio, USA
Circa 2011



I’m going to review this album from a perspective of “2011” when no one knew the band had fired Geoff Tate. We knew there was inner turmoil amongst band members, but Queensryche was still intact. The band brought in a new guitarist, Parker Lundgren, and once again was a five piece band.


Geoff Tate, once again, was the main driving force of the band. Dedicated to Chaos is a Tate vision and he has even stated it’s his favorite album in an interview with Sound Matters
Geoff Tate was asked which album from his career he thinks is the best representation of who he is as a singer, songwriter and an overall artist. He responded, “Wow, that’s a tough one. I’m really, really partial to the last album that QUEENSRŸCHE did together with me. That album had something incredibly special about it. It was an album that everybody in the band contributed so much to, and we were really in a high-level writing mode at the time. And I love the way the album sounds. I think Kelly Gray did an amazing job on the production on that record. And I think it’s a well-rounded record; it has a lot of different kinds of songs on it. It shows the depth of the writing of the band, and really where we were at that point.”
Going into Dedicated to Chaos with this knowledge, I tried to be as open minded as I could…and just listened to the music.

Album highlight #1, Higher. Funky bass, great rhythm, Tate sounds fantastic, smooth guitar solo, and seasoned with sax.

Album highlight #2, Wot We Do. Great rhythm & beat. Funky piano & more sexy sax.

Is Dedicated to Chaos a bad album? No. However, it is an eclectic mix of music styles. I happened to like the poppier funk of the above mentioned songs. There are a couple contemporary rock tunes, like “All Around the World”, which has some nice vocal harmonies. “At The Edge” is a mid tempo rocker and the closest you‘ll get to previous Queensryche tunes.

“Drive” could easily have been a big radio dance hit.

i’m not sure how I truly feel about Dedicated to Chaos because the musicianship is good and the vocals are also good along with slick production. I can’t put the band down for being experimental, especially when I found myself foot tapping through a lot of the album….it’s got some catchy hooks & beats. It would have been great to have been blessed with more saxophone….that was an enjoyable addition.

Overall, it’s a fun album. Above average. It is just lacking any “wow” factor that I usually get in a Queensryche album. 6/10


Woman of the World
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Apr 20, 2009
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Ohio, USA
June 20, 2012
The above date is when Queensryche made it public that Geoff Tate was fired and replaced with Crimson Glory vocalist, Todd La Torre.

What the hell happened?

Was it the backstage brawl in Brazil on April 14, 2012? (THE STRAW THAT BROKE THE CAMELS BACK)

Quoted From Blabbermouth

In his sworn declaration, Scott Rockenfield said, "On Saturday, April 14, 2012, at approximately 11:05 p.m., we (the band) had just arrived on the stage behind the curtain approximately 10 minutes before our show was to commence in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with 2000+ concertgoers in attendance. I was getting up onto my drum riser when fellow band member Geoff Tate walked in front of my drums and spit into my face while proceeding to yell obscenities at me. Geoff Tate then pushed my drums down onto the drum riser causing the first delays for the show. Geoff Tate then walked around the stage left behind Michael Wilton's guitar speakers and confronted Michael Wilton face to face. He proceeded to yell obscenities at him before striking him with his fist on the right upper side of Michael Wilton's face. I came off my drum riser to Michael Wilton's aid and told Geoff Tate to back off. Geoff Tate continued to yell obscenities and spit at both Michael Wilton and me, and then at that time proceeded to strike me in the face twice. I backed away and asked for security to assist the situation. Geoff Tate continued yelling obscenities and spitting at the band members while chasing us around the stage. The local stage security and our own crew came to assist in trying to subdue Geoff Tate. Geoff Tate continued to resist and kept chasing the band members around the stage, all the while screaming obscenities, spitting at them and threatening them. Our tour manager, Orlando Scott 'Fozzy' O'Hare, came to subdue Geoff Tate and move him to his position on the stage left. After a few minutes of Orlando Scott 'Fozzy' O'Hare trying to calm Geoff Tate down, Geoff Tate then came back across the stage at the band members. He continued to spit and yell obscenities and was trying to get close to them to continue his assault. Local security created a barrier between me, Eddie Jacksonand Michael Wilton to keep Geoff Tate from approaching. This behavior continued for about 20 to 25 minutes while we were forced to delay the show. Michael Wilton was handed an ice pack to hold to his face to try and keep any swelling to a minimum. After the situation was under control, the other band members and the band's crew had to fix the damage caused to their equipment during this assault before the show could proceed as scheduled.

"Just minutes prior to the show commencing, Orlando Scott 'Fozzy' O'Hare was told by Geoff Tate that he was going to attack Eddie Jackson next and that he was going to 'mess' with me all during the show. The entire incident lasted about 25 minutes. During the show, Geoff Tatecontinued to spit on the band members and their equipment, which was clearly seen by the fans in attendance and caused a very uncomfortable situation for the band to perform at the level the fans expected and paid for.

Was it mismanagement by Susan Tate? Did these accusations by the band lead to the brawl? (YES).

In a lengthy interview he shared his side of the story, including what led to the incident in Brazil. "They said that they weren’t planning on replacing me, but they had just fired our manager, our office assistant and one of our guitar techs, who all happened to be my family members,” Tate recalls.

Read More: Remaining Queensryche Members Accuse Geoff Tate of Financial Wrongdoing, Violence

Was it Geoff himself, taking too much control over the band? (MOST LIKELY.)

In 1994 when Tate allegedly shared that he was unhappy with his bandmates and the direction of the band. Creative differences with Chris DeGarmo led to the guitarist's departure in 1998. Afterwards, they say, Tate wanted full control of the band's creative and business ventures, often leaving them out of important decisions.

Read More: Remaining Queensryche Members Accuse Geoff Tate of Financial Wrongdoing, Violence

Even Tate’s future Son-in-Law, Parker Lundgren, was critical of Tate. Quoted From 1015KRock:

Guitarist Parker Lundgren has also been critical of “Dedicated To Chaos”, saying that “it almost felt like there was a battle between what songs to use, mainly the producers. It was almost like they wanted to cut the band out of it, even being a part of the process. That’s how I felt. There were songs that ended up on the record that I never even heard. The record comes out and I’m, like, ‘I never heard that song when we were in the studio.’ It was just bizarre.”

2012 & 2013 were absolute crazy times for Queensryche (s). Plural……


Woman of the World
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Apr 20, 2009
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Ohio, USA


In the midst of the band turmoil, Geoff Tate puts out a solo album, Kings & Theives.
I have listened to this album and I am very disappointed. Great bunch of musicians, great vocalist. Horrendous musical direction…….including rap.

I will let Geoff Tate himself tell you a song by song rundown:

She Slipped Away​

If you’ve ever been married or in a relationship, you’ll have these conversations while you’re driving somewhere. It’s dangerous to generalise but when a man who’s driving is having a heated discussion with a woman, he’s concentrating on driving while trying to field questions that are
difficult to answer. It’s a subject that kind of fascinated me. I wrote the Queensryche song Drive about the argument and She Slipped Away is an extension of the subject. I have the third part of it – I hope to have that on my next album.

Take A Bullet​

It has a passion about it that really came across. The subject matter is betrayal of trust. What would you do for a loved one? How far would you go? When I’m your friend I’m your friend for life. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep that friendship going. Heart-to-heart sessions, going to counselling, or something deeper – I’ll commit. I’ve been to counselling many times; it can help, but it’s dependent on the parties involved, how willing they are to be honest. You have to be able to look at yourself objectively. Most people in creative fields are not the most stable people, and you have to give that to them – but it’s not an excuse to trash people. You don’t have cart-blanche to be an asshole.

In The Dirt​

I love American blues. My mother’s side of the family is from New Orleans and I spent a lot of time there in blues clubs and jazz clubs. I wanted to do a track that has that kind of swaggering, sleazy blues. Usually those lyrics are sexually oriented. The vocal take is a one-take.

Say U Luv It​

Kinky sex? Well, yeah, of course I’m into it! It depends what your definition of “kinky” is. We all have our lines in the sand. But at my age, I don’t know what it is, I’m more interested in sex now than I was in my 20s. In my 20s and 30s I was more interested in pushing my career, more concentrated on accomplishment. Now, all I wanna do is ****! Luckily my wife is up for it – she’s at a wonderful age too. We’re having a great time now the kids are grown. I have African-American heritage and I joke to her: “I’m African-American from the waist down!”

The Way I Roll​

I get criticism because I have an expansive taste in music. I like rap. I like the energy and the wordplay, and the macho posturing. I wanted to experiment with that. I love rhythmic singing and on this one I really got the chance to do that a lot, because the track is real open. There’s a lot of room for the vocal to work inside the holes. It drives my backing vocalist Jason crazy. I’ll write something then say, “Come in and work on this.” He’s got to learn what I did because he doesn’t think the same way. “How are you counting that?” I don’t know – most of the time I’m just going on how I feel. It’s one thing to record how you feel, it’s another to work out the mathematics.


It was originally composed with piano and vocal only. I wrote the track that way and gave it to Kelly, who took all the piano out and replaced everything with guitars, drums and bass. But he kept the vocal and the song has a desperateness to it. I love that feeling of tension. We’re always looking for a note or a chord that adds tension so you can have a release.


For most of the tracks there hasn’t been much rehearsal. It sounds kind of raw. That’s one of the things I wanted: to be raw and emotional and unrehearsed. Evil was a first or second take, and it had an effect I really like. There always comes a point in a writing session where you think, “Have I done this before?” Especially after years of writing albums, you do start repeating yourself in certain aspects. I don’t think it’s a bad thing; it’s the nature of the work. There’s a kind of danger you can get into a comfort zone where you find a pattern that works and you subconsciously go there. You try to break new ground – sometimes you do, sometimes you don’t.

Dark Money​

The class struggle is something that’s new for America and it’s booming more and more apparent that is exists. People are starting to talk about it more and more. It’s a lot more evident since the 2008 financial meltdown. I don’t know how it is in the rest of the world, but in America we’re still reeling from 2008. It’s a global shift in wealth and there’s a definite line between the have and have-nots, and unfortunately most of us are in the have-not category. I don’t have a solid prediction of what will happen. It’s a very tumultuous time – I don’t know how often I’ve said that through my career, but this one feels different to me. It’s a lot more desperate. The internet has drastically changed everything economically. We’re all having to find new ways of doing things. You can’t do it the old way because no one’s there any more. It’s an interesting time to be living through.

Glory Days​

It’s all based on perception: you can see the glass half empty or half full. You could see the time we’re in as one of desperation and tragedy, or one of opportunity. If you can push that button and find a way of doing things and making a living, it’s a glorious thing, it’s glory days.


Lyrically it’s based around the concept of “You can’t really change the world until you change yourself”. That’s where the most effective change happens, changing your own viewpoint and way of doing things. When you get into that zone you can affect change in other areas of your life. But you have to change yourself first. It’s very emotional; it tugs at the heartstrings and probably speaks to people who have lived some life and are looking at how to change.


I use David Lynch as references when I’m describing how I want a song to feel, or how it makes me feel. It is what it is. There’s nothing else going on there; it’s just one of those songs that tries to keep you in the moment. It doesn’t try to take you anywhere different, and that’s what I like about it.

Full Article



Riff Raff

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Although I personally didn't like Dedicated or Frequency Unknown I actually do agree Magic some of those albums had some good stuff to remember. I am curious to your thoughts on Operation Mindcrime II?

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