Recent content by Soot and Stars

  1. Soot and Stars

    Site slowness

    I e-mailed Shaggy and let him know exactly what you posted and asked him to take a look at the diagnostics and such on his end to see if he could fix any bugs that he could find. :)
  2. Soot and Stars

    Happy Birthday Soot and Stars!

    Thank you all and thanks for the thread Sharp! It made me laugh! :P Love the Tori cake as well! :D
  3. Soot and Stars

    2019 Tunes Only

    I figured it would be an ongoing thread (I plan on updating at least) that could be updated at as the year goes. LOL I always have these year end things I want to do but I have so much material it becomes more of a project than I can shove into a one month period and I rarely finish them. I...
  4. Soot and Stars

    2019 Tunes Only

    The album I'm looking forward to most this year so far is by Lana. I think each year she gets even more beautifully sublime! <3 Lana Del Rey-Hope Is A Dangerous Thing For A Woman Like Me To Have
  5. Soot and Stars

    2019 Tunes Only

    Here's a surprise. I've been listening to this track since Spotify suggested it. It's an 80's drenched track mixed with Pop Punk vocals. It's even greater knowing it's a side project for a Progressive Metal band Periphery. Nik Mystery-So
  6. Soot and Stars

    2019 Tunes Only

    Was introduced to this band from this new song and damn it's lead me down a rabbit hole. Love this type of piano based Rock that structurally builds mixed with this Emo vocal that swells with emotion and cracks at it's peak. Then it goes into this smooth and beautifully whispy melodic vocal to...
  7. Soot and Stars

    2019 Tunes Only

    Here's a thread for brand new music only for the year. I heard more new albums and songs last year that stuck with me than I have in a long time. Some stuff posted may surprise you and have a thread to past eras you've liked and some post may surprise you in general and take you out of your...
  8. Soot and Stars

    Happy Birthday Riff Raff

    Happy Birthday RiffRaff! :hfb Thank you for all your help here! Hope it's a great day! :)
  9. Soot and Stars

    Happy Birthday Soot and Stars!

    Thank you bud! I realy appreciate it! :)
  10. Soot and Stars

    What is a song that has emotional significance to you right now?

    Hey Greg, nice to see you again! I remember having this conversation with you and I agree. Those guys saved my life in so many ways myself! More than any other artist! <3
  11. Soot and Stars

    What is a song that has emotional significance to you right now?

    What is a song that has emotional significance to you right now? What is a song that you could play right now that would evoke a strong emotion in you? You don't have to spill personal details or even pick a new song but a story or explanation would be cool and it'd be preferable to post...
  12. Soot and Stars

    Lissie: This Chick Friggin' Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I've heard multiple songs off of it and of course I'll be getting it. Nothing I've heard has me overly excited if I'm honest though. Hope to be proven wrong. :)
  13. Soot and Stars

    Happy Birthday Sharp Dressed Man

    Happy Birthday Sharp Dressed Man! This is a little belated but here's hoping you had a great day man! :)
  14. Soot and Stars

    Ryan Adams (Official Thread)

    The video didn't load right off so I thought you tagged us for the tongue wagging monkey and I laughed! :P
  15. Soot and Stars

    What a bloody nonsense!

    Especially today I think the claim is nonsense. Females are largely as good or better than a lot of male rockers now in the Rock genre. If a place wants to not hire based on what their clientele doesn't seem to buy into I get that the goal is to make money but the statement is moronic. It can...

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