Review Weezer- Self Titled (Blue Album) (1994) *** 1/2

album review


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Jul 29, 2024
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Classic Rock Album of the Day- Weezer - Self Titled (Blue Album)- 1994. *** 1/2

Some days it's hard for me to pull myself out of prog mode while listening , but I thought I would give some props to something a bit more modern. By the mid-1990's at least from my perspective, it was getting harder and harder to find bands worth listening to. But that's not to say there weren't a few exceptions. Weezer met that bill. If I would characerize Weezer, I'd say they are about 40% Alternative, 40% Grunge, 20% Punk (ish). They came out just a little later than the Pumpkins, but shared a fuzz/distort sound that gave some nice uniqueness to their sound. Rivers Cuomo is kind of the creative center of the band, and he admittedly has some pretty decent songwriting skills. They spoke well for the plight of young guys in their late teens, much as I previously discussed with Blink. Then add that "nerd" persona.... Schtick? I will leave that opinion up to you.

The guys have made 15 studio albums, and from the research, I have found out that at least on the LP Charts (do they even call it that anymore?) , they are still seeing some decent success. Still, their hay day was those first 4 or 5, which got tons of airplay. And of those 4 or 5, none of them approached the excellence of their debut the self titled, which they call their Blue album. This album has very little filler, and is rife with great songwriting, and has more hooks than a fishing tackle. Nothing really super remarkable in instrumental musicianship, but competent, and this is just good old fashion fun rock and roll. And......Don't ever forget who produced this album.... Ric Ocasek. It had to be a winner right out of the gate.

And last, I really like that the boys really try and intend to infuse some nostalgia into their lyriscm. So much of that timeframe was "Our elders are shit" mentality, that I saw these guys as a breath of fresh air in our musical youth.

Fun Fact: Outside bass player, 3 of 4 of the members have remained the same through their recording history (1994-2024). That's pretty unuusal stability for a band.

Track (Yes, post vinyl era)

My Names is Jonas- After a very brief acoustical ditty, Weezer drops a Sabbath like barrage of riffs to introduce you to a new and unique sound. Lyrics are nonsensical, and least from my POV. Maybe Rivers and the guys had some kind of subliminal thoughts given to lyrical content , but this is a tune to enjoy on mostly musical merit alone. Though the album is a light on redeeming instrumental wizardry, they do do some nice harmonica- guitar solo interplay at the end. 2

No One Else- Maybe the most punk inspired tune of the CD. Hits at that evergreen topic of being 17 and being pissed off at your girlfriend. Good song, but maybe the weakest of a fine album. 10

The World Has Turned and Left Me Here- Excellent use of phrasing and fuzz, while belting out a semi-ballad delving more into the topic of lamentation of youth and unrequited love. The broad fuzz gives the song a nice lushness, and melancoly feel. My overall favorite of any Weezer Song. 1

Buddy Holly- Their biggest commercial hit by far. Everyone will recognize the song and the video which made them famous. The video was ingenious bringing back some cast members of the sitcom. Happy Days, actual and latter added filmage. This cemented their status of giving homage to nostalgia. Fantastic song, but suprisingly not the best on the album. I will have to hand it to them , Ocasek, and their record company, thT this was maybe the greatest example of schtick promotion in the history of rock. Did it ever work well, and it significantly propelled their career with the extra air play on MTV. 4

Undone: The Sweater Song- Incredibly innovative song that uses infused spoken party wording and delves into metaphorical unraveling a sweater as life event. Slowing rolling distort-fuzz almost comes across as a pseudo-bluzey thing. Some nice solo work that nails the number at the end. This is good stuff. 3

Surf Wax America- Fuzzo-punk number just for fun. You just can't take the California out of some boys. 6

Say it A'int So- Slow number, with off-key workage. Not in their wheelhouse. 9

In the Garage- For such a simplistic song, it is so powerful describing young guys having to deal with young life. Knowing these guys, I would bet this was a auto-biography. As I re-review this album, I am recognizing that the guitar work is a lot better than I remember. 5

Holiday- Maybe the most mainstream sounding song on the LP. Nothing special though,- 8

Only In Dreams- Another love song/ ballad that doesn't really add to the feel of the album. I am guessing they were wanting some level of versatility in the product, but too bad they didn't stick with the formula that made the earlier part of this album so great- 7

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Senior Member
Jul 8, 2022
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In The Land Of Submarines
I was recently asked to make a playlist for a 1994 high school reunion and also recently listened to this album.
Now, the music snob in me usually does not like including popular hits but it is necessary at times to give the people what they want so “Buddy Holly” was included on the playlist.
In 1994 this was another fun and sort of fresh album for us and still today. It has some good songs there.

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