i was lucky enough to have seen Lizzy 5 times but unfortunately i never saw the classic line up when Robbo was in the band, it was just a tad before my time...i would loved to have seen them with Robbo....i saw Lizzy 4 times in Liverpool and the Reading Festival appearance...first time i saw them was the year after Robbo left, it was at Liverpool Empire with Gary Moore in the band, it was the last night of the '79 UK Black Rose tour ( one of the best gigs i have ever been to ) later that year when Lizzy were over in the States on their US Black Rose tour Gary walked out halfway through the tour..the following year 1980 again at Liverpool Empire i saw them on the Chinatown tour with Snowy White now in the band, that was an excellent gig., then the year after that, again at Liverpool Empire, and still with Snowy, i saw them on the 1981 Renegade tour but they had lost some of their fire by then, Snowy was getting well n truly tired of Lynotts and Gorhams partying and drug taking...Snowy quit Lizzy for the exact same reasons that Gary Moore did.. and then John Sykes came in for the Thunder and Lightning album and farewell tour, saw them in Liverpool again in early '83 with John but it wasn't the Empire this time, it was the Liverpool Royal Court theatre close by, Sykes gave Lizzy a much deserved kick up the backside...and then my 5th and final time was later in August '83 at Reading Festival...great memories..they were a fantastic band but those goddamn drugs ruined them.