I used to take my stereo Philips tape recorder to Chalk Farm Roundhouse as a friend of mine worked there.
I used to set it up in the lighting box and it was recorded through the mikes that came with it.
The recordings were excellent, but my home got burgled and most of therecordingsgot stolen along with
pre recorded cassettes.
Only a few of them survived, which I intend to upload to YouTube when I get around to converting them.
Before I bought the stereo recorder I had a mono Philips cassette recorder that I took to some gigs,
it came with a shoulder carry case and mike.
I recorded the Pink Fairies at South London Polytechnic and was told by the band that the recording
were better than some of the ones they tried to record, butthey borrowed the tape and must have decided
that they held the rights to it, and it never came back, plus I never did a copy for myself.
That night I also recorded Brewers Droop, which I think is still in my collection somewhere.
The mono recordings were good but obviously no where near as good as the stereo ones.