Cosmic Time Warp Warrior
Re: Deicide
Mayhem, Emperor and the rest of the bands that had members doing all the burning and killing etc. are from Norwegian Black Metal bands ( though a German band and maybe a few others got into the act ). I can't think of one Death Metal band that has done anything IRL that is that extreme. Most are not serious about their lyrical content as anything other then gory/ extreme entertainment and will even say so.
If Glen Benton wanted to be taken seriously he needed to do something more extreme then crank phone calling a priest. I mean come on little kids can do that
Mayhem, Emperor and the rest of the bands that had members doing all the burning and killing etc. are from Norwegian Black Metal bands ( though a German band and maybe a few others got into the act ). I can't think of one Death Metal band that has done anything IRL that is that extreme. Most are not serious about their lyrical content as anything other then gory/ extreme entertainment and will even say so.
If Glen Benton wanted to be taken seriously he needed to do something more extreme then crank phone calling a priest. I mean come on little kids can do that