Classic Rock Album of the Day - Blink 182- Enema of the State- (1999) *** 1/2
I'm guessing no one expected to see this one coming. And in fact this one is a year or so that I'd ever cover short of the "25 year" criteria for Classic Rock. But my children knew I would be "open minded" with their music to give an honest opinion of their merit. Yeah, no doubt rock as form degraded in my opinion as a whole by 1999, but that didn't mean there weren't some few gems out there that were excellent.
One of those exceptions is who I felt was the best of those Alpha Numeric wave of punk bands that dominated the airwaves mostly between 1995-2005. Blink 182 sure was a better example of those bands. Of course punk never pretended to be high brow or the highest level of musicianship. Still, this band, and this particular album embodies the best elements of The Ramones...... Exploit the 3 chords, catchy tunes, and hilarity in their lyrics. BUT... there is one point, and I wouldn't call it a schtick, mainly that this band has an insanely good drummer. The guy's name is Travis Barker, and there is a bombastic level of energy not seen since Moon. The man is a living breathing 16th note measure filling percussive monster. And there is a great deal of it that isn't filled with cymbal crashing. Barker almost as a raritry, is the lead instrument for the band. Seems the singing and guitars are the accompaniment, But they are really fun, and talented. I can imagine with this band, a 90 minute set would be like running a marathon, with they energy they have to expound. Kind of like a punk version of AC-DC in that level of muscial gymnastics.
In a crude way this is almost a concept album around the social and relationship angst and pressures of the teen years of a generation in the cusp of a new technological age. Think about it, this is music about the last generation of kids who in their teen years did not have their thumbs surgically attached to their phones. I know many of you might turn this off just because of the era, and I don't blame you considering most else made during that time was shitty. But if can go into this one with an open mind, you'll find you'll enjoy the heck out of it, and get some laughs too. What also especially inpresses me with this CD (obviously never an LP) was the utter lack of filler. Almost every tune is listenable.
And a warning, like a lot of music of this day, there's a lot of sexual content, language and adult themed lyrics.
1- Dump Weed- Huge laughs right out of the gate, in this what the woke would now call a "sexist romp". Bad Ass drumming (as there is in the next 11 songs). Even in 1999, can you imagine the response if you told the ladies..... "I need a Girl that I can train"? But if you saw some of these guys in their videos, they are a hoot, and might not the best guys to give you advice on "relationships". Can't complete this one's review without giving props to the innovative half beat off percussion. 2
2. Don't Leave Me. More relationship advise from the boys. I about died laughing when I first heard this one, when the band asks; And the point where it is asked almost in 3rd party... "One More Time with feeling" in the chorus? 5
3. Aliens Exist- Fantastic tune around UFO's and Aliens. No doubt these guys were fans of Mulder and Scully in the day. Wonder what the 12 Majestic Lies were? 6
4. Going Away to College- Another romp of half beats and wonderful lyrics. Except these are beautiful and from the heart. Even almost 50 years ago, the phenomenon of leavng high school sweethearts after graduation remains a common theme among the ages and socially difficult event. It's not these guys are cerebral, but they do have a great finger on the pulse on the teenage psyche. 8
5. What's My Age- The funniest cut of maybe the funniest rock albums I've heard, that focuses on the state of maturity of guys say 15-25. Best punk/rockish jam of the entire album in last 30 seconds too. Great tune, don't forget these are only 3 guys doing this. 3
6. Dysentary Gary- Maybe the weakest cut on the Album. Anger on this one didn't age well. 12
7. Adam's Song- KABOOM- Whaaaaaaat? Powerful and heartfelt song on teenage suicide? This is written and sung with such conviction. Song has a very very very sad and poignant feel and point to it. As a parent, if this doesn't make you go out of your way to hug your teen aged kids, nothing will. Incredibly powerful and cerebral on an emotional level. A very strange and powerful contrast to the rest of the social commentary on Enema. 1
8. All the Small Things- This was (is?) Blink's most recognizable number as a number, and considered the hit on the album. And maybe the only song on the piece that has a "present day" hint in their day to day lives. Kind of like a concept respite. Best hooks, to say for sure too. Seems they needed a pop sound to augment the rest. They infuse a little maybe sexual strangeness into it, but I'll leave that to your imaginaton. 4
9. The Party Song- Interesting perspective of a late '90's party. Incredible syncopative meter in the song. Also funny as hell. After hearing this song, I hadn't realized and watching my kid's school, is how aggressive girls of the time had become sexually. 9
10. Mutt- A lower tier cut, on an otherwise fantastic album. 11
11. Wendy Clear- A tick above the last one, but not the best. nice bass line, and another tune that took a hiatus from the concept with a present day perspective from them. Which was too bad since I had wished tgat they had stuck with the formula through out. 10
12. Anthem- Strong finish, with the band finishing with a generational spat ditty. Nicely musically crafted too, almost including some chordal fill. 7

I'm guessing no one expected to see this one coming. And in fact this one is a year or so that I'd ever cover short of the "25 year" criteria for Classic Rock. But my children knew I would be "open minded" with their music to give an honest opinion of their merit. Yeah, no doubt rock as form degraded in my opinion as a whole by 1999, but that didn't mean there weren't some few gems out there that were excellent.
One of those exceptions is who I felt was the best of those Alpha Numeric wave of punk bands that dominated the airwaves mostly between 1995-2005. Blink 182 sure was a better example of those bands. Of course punk never pretended to be high brow or the highest level of musicianship. Still, this band, and this particular album embodies the best elements of The Ramones...... Exploit the 3 chords, catchy tunes, and hilarity in their lyrics. BUT... there is one point, and I wouldn't call it a schtick, mainly that this band has an insanely good drummer. The guy's name is Travis Barker, and there is a bombastic level of energy not seen since Moon. The man is a living breathing 16th note measure filling percussive monster. And there is a great deal of it that isn't filled with cymbal crashing. Barker almost as a raritry, is the lead instrument for the band. Seems the singing and guitars are the accompaniment, But they are really fun, and talented. I can imagine with this band, a 90 minute set would be like running a marathon, with they energy they have to expound. Kind of like a punk version of AC-DC in that level of muscial gymnastics.
In a crude way this is almost a concept album around the social and relationship angst and pressures of the teen years of a generation in the cusp of a new technological age. Think about it, this is music about the last generation of kids who in their teen years did not have their thumbs surgically attached to their phones. I know many of you might turn this off just because of the era, and I don't blame you considering most else made during that time was shitty. But if can go into this one with an open mind, you'll find you'll enjoy the heck out of it, and get some laughs too. What also especially inpresses me with this CD (obviously never an LP) was the utter lack of filler. Almost every tune is listenable.
And a warning, like a lot of music of this day, there's a lot of sexual content, language and adult themed lyrics.
1- Dump Weed- Huge laughs right out of the gate, in this what the woke would now call a "sexist romp". Bad Ass drumming (as there is in the next 11 songs). Even in 1999, can you imagine the response if you told the ladies..... "I need a Girl that I can train"? But if you saw some of these guys in their videos, they are a hoot, and might not the best guys to give you advice on "relationships". Can't complete this one's review without giving props to the innovative half beat off percussion. 2
2. Don't Leave Me. More relationship advise from the boys. I about died laughing when I first heard this one, when the band asks; And the point where it is asked almost in 3rd party... "One More Time with feeling" in the chorus? 5
3. Aliens Exist- Fantastic tune around UFO's and Aliens. No doubt these guys were fans of Mulder and Scully in the day. Wonder what the 12 Majestic Lies were? 6
4. Going Away to College- Another romp of half beats and wonderful lyrics. Except these are beautiful and from the heart. Even almost 50 years ago, the phenomenon of leavng high school sweethearts after graduation remains a common theme among the ages and socially difficult event. It's not these guys are cerebral, but they do have a great finger on the pulse on the teenage psyche. 8
5. What's My Age- The funniest cut of maybe the funniest rock albums I've heard, that focuses on the state of maturity of guys say 15-25. Best punk/rockish jam of the entire album in last 30 seconds too. Great tune, don't forget these are only 3 guys doing this. 3
6. Dysentary Gary- Maybe the weakest cut on the Album. Anger on this one didn't age well. 12
7. Adam's Song- KABOOM- Whaaaaaaat? Powerful and heartfelt song on teenage suicide? This is written and sung with such conviction. Song has a very very very sad and poignant feel and point to it. As a parent, if this doesn't make you go out of your way to hug your teen aged kids, nothing will. Incredibly powerful and cerebral on an emotional level. A very strange and powerful contrast to the rest of the social commentary on Enema. 1
8. All the Small Things- This was (is?) Blink's most recognizable number as a number, and considered the hit on the album. And maybe the only song on the piece that has a "present day" hint in their day to day lives. Kind of like a concept respite. Best hooks, to say for sure too. Seems they needed a pop sound to augment the rest. They infuse a little maybe sexual strangeness into it, but I'll leave that to your imaginaton. 4
9. The Party Song- Interesting perspective of a late '90's party. Incredible syncopative meter in the song. Also funny as hell. After hearing this song, I hadn't realized and watching my kid's school, is how aggressive girls of the time had become sexually. 9
10. Mutt- A lower tier cut, on an otherwise fantastic album. 11
11. Wendy Clear- A tick above the last one, but not the best. nice bass line, and another tune that took a hiatus from the concept with a present day perspective from them. Which was too bad since I had wished tgat they had stuck with the formula through out. 10
12. Anthem- Strong finish, with the band finishing with a generational spat ditty. Nicely musically crafted too, almost including some chordal fill. 7