Re: Billy Squier
My dad played me "The Stroke" (a cassette he made of the FM broadcast) and I was speechless. It really gets your attention by the way the music constantly comes and goes... This song has got to hold the World Record for most rests in any music written for the rock genre. Every other note, there's a stop for much of the recording and it punctuates the hell out of the song.
I kinda like the Lo-Fi production quality on all of Don't Say No. It doesn't even sound dated to me. It's just music without abusing the studio for sonically impossible wizardry you commonly hear everywhere else (whether we're talking about this era or the era of the 80s). They didn't go nuts with the effects; you had a bit of slap-back echo on Billy's vox and that was about it. When they DID use effects, the contrast was so sharp that it got your attention.
Just a great, great piece of rock recording. Loved that album completely.