Review Allman Brothers - Self Titled (1969) *** 1/2

album review


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2024
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Classic Rock Album of the Day- Allman Brothers- Self Titled (1969) - *** 1/2

In honor of the death earlier this year of Dicky Betts, I'd like to cover an LP of maybe what was the pinnacle of American Rock Blues Prowess. Despite the widespread assumption that the Brits had cornered the market on resurrection of American Blues, this particular album shined as an example that the home grown stuff was as good or better than the Brit posers. Sure Clapton, Page, Beck, Mayall were getting all the rock and roll press attention. Deservedly so. But there were sure a few American examples too. Big Brother, ZZ, The Winters, among others had started forging a path that was as near impactful, and important to music history.

Picking the apt Allman Bro.'s was a simple task. Their debut contains the classical lineup with Both Allmans, Betts, Oaks, and Trucks. It also has that blues rawness that is absent in the subsequent more successful LP's. This is the blues bland white board slate, and no polish. And none of the internal strife or personnel changes that altered the formula. I am not really a big blues fan, but when I do want to hear it, I like the simplistic jammed approach than production values that water the stuff down. The Allmans did a good job of paraphrasing their blues licks in a manner that they came off as plausible bare bones covers of the Delta. Vs. the Brits who seem to be more inclined to make rock songs with augmented blues bones, tendons, and ligaments. A whole different animal from that viewpoint.

Who is to say, which was truer, or even relevant. In fact the genre of rock/blues is more of a creation of the value of interpretation to pizazz, speed, fret work, and dazzling, than the heartfelt pain played by the original purveyors of the '20's and '30's. Maybe it's just me, but I understand the legend and aura of Robert Johnson..... Just don't make me sit down and listen to it for an hour.

Fun Fact: As impactful and great as the debut album was it was one of worst charting in their career. I have a feeling that the '70's purchases did give it an ongoing demand, but not at the level of what rock had become as a growing recording force.

Side 1-

Don't Want You - Spencer Davis remake that is really a little more rock sounding base, but there is no mistaking the fine Duane Allman-Betts blues dueling. Which gives this LP in it's own right standing by that itself. And at face value, Greg's voice comes across more plausible as a blues practitioner than his UK counterparts. 4

Not My Cross to Bare- More traditional and heartfelt. I bet Clapton heard this one, and was sold on the Derek and D concept, just on this one alone. 3

Black Hearted Woman- One of my staples from the KAAY Beaker Street Days. A mainstay of early southern blues rock that would gel as a genre as great bands like Skynyrd, and others would appear. Hardest rocker, but enough of a bluez like splash give it enough oomph to say this is new stuff for us on the West side of the Atlantic. The sloppy feel is endearing, on purpose, and gives it it's flair and ultimate timely charm. 2

Trouble No More- Bro's do a nice cover of this Muddy Waters mainstay. Still even this nice piece makes bottom tier status. 6

Side 2-

Every Hungry Woman- Same meter and feel a bit like Whipping Post. Not near as good though. 7

Dreams- Low flow, and rolling blues that the Brother take it back half a notch, They additionally stick in some of that hammond back sound that was pretty typical in the 1960's. If there is one knock on side 2, Duanne, and Gregg seem to be relying on a common and repetitive sound that doesn't break away enough from just one desired blues style. 5

Whipping Post- My favorite Allman Brothers song- Love the improv/ rough almost bar like jam that makes this a song of grit, heartfelt blues. Song has that great double dueling guitar and organ sound that hallmarked this band's sound for albums to come. Lot's of tries, but none of them ever came close to this magic. 1


dr wu

Dr Prog
Mar 18, 2020
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4 stars for me.....this and the next 4 too.
By far the best of all the so called southern rock bands.....sad day when Duane and then Berry died.
They were never quite the same.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2024
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4 stars for me.....this and the next 4 too.
By far the best of all the so called southern rock bands.....sad day when Duane and then Berry died.
They were never quite the same.
Point well taken Doc. Again subjective to what is likely a minority POV. But again my take is that I love when multi-genre talents collaborate.... like the Wilbury's. This one just seemed contrived and forced. And maybe more of a skewed disappointment than a a look at content alone.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2024
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4 stars for me.....this and the next 4 too.
By far the best of all the so called southern rock bands.....sad day when Duane and then Berry died.
They were never quite the same.
Oops.... sorry doc. Comment was on the wrong thread. Above was intended for the Captain Beyond LP.

dr wu

Dr Prog
Mar 18, 2020
Reaction score
Oops.... sorry doc. Comment was on the wrong thread. Above was intended for the Captain Beyond LP.
Thats what happens when you drink and post.
I always thought the Wilbury's material was lukewarm and I expected more from them being big star musicians.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2024
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Thats what happens when you drink and post.
I always thought the Wilbury's material was lukewarm and I expected more from them being big star musicians.
Ha Ha... actually more of a senior moment than boozing. I actually liked the Willlbury collaboration, with the expectation that we would get songwriting instead of of musicanship. I don't think the intent was ever to do any ground breaking. Just good solid vicarious fun.

Diff strokes I guess

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