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  1. toxichunter2000

    Rage Against The Machine (Official Thread)

    Re: Rage Against The Machine eh... they were good, but i sadly must give that title to prolly greenday, i have a funny feeling theyre gettin into the rock and roll hall of fame r soemthin, theyre just an awesome band. maybe im right and maybe im wrong, but if u2 can get in, greenday certtainly...
  2. toxichunter2000

    crazy idea

    i got an awesome idea you guys. As i have posted in the past, why dont we all, as a forum, go and make a top 100 rock and roll songs list lke 1ce a year that will be posted on new years. I have seen a ton of crappy top 100's, but I really think we could all pull together and make one of the best...
  3. toxichunter2000

    The Who???

    Re: The Who i gotta agree with dave here. The who is amde up of moon, townshend, daltry and entwistle, not everyone else besides moon. when he died, in my opinion, the who's glory days ended. moon had drumming capabilities that could not be matched, and hwne he died, that intensity that all...
  4. toxichunter2000

    Van halen, hagar or roth?

    Re: The Question Of All Questions David lee roth was defiently one of the best vocalists. his voice was it just amde all theire msuic so mcuh more explosive and powerful. sammy was good and all, but come on, u can neva compare him 2 DLR.
  5. toxichunter2000

    Your favorite driving songs.

    btw, i noticed like evry1 besides me has highway star on their lists. my gf loves that song, but im not oo much of a fan of it. i gotta listen 2 it more, maybe ikll aquire a likin for it, i dunno
  6. toxichunter2000

    Your favorite driving songs.

    1. achilles last stand- led zeppelin 2. highway to hell (dont kill me for this, but the artist slips my mind) 3. sad but true- mettalica 4. master of puppets- mettalica 5. running with the devil- van halen 6. killer of giants- ozzy osbourne this list isnt in choice order, just in random...
  7. toxichunter2000

    What was the 70's (in music)

    uh...wheres zeppelin on this list?
  8. toxichunter2000

    Rock and Roll Rebus!

    this way 2 much thinking for me (brain begins to spark and fry). is this much thinkin even allowed in the u.s.?
  9. toxichunter2000

    Best Forgotten Bands of the 70's.

    blue oyster cult, thats the only one i can think of right now, dont even know if i even spelt it right
  10. toxichunter2000

    Give me some ideas people!!

    Im more of a turtle person too. there truely is no way to please them. you buy therm a huge 200$ tank and for wat? thye hate thta neways. somethin intersting for the forum would be a yearly top 100 list of bands and maybe for guitarists, bassists, vocalists, and drummers. thatd be fun and...
  11. toxichunter2000

    Van halen, hagar or roth?

    David lee roth by far. his explosive voice and energy was just unmatched. he is, in my opinion, one of the greatest rock vocalists 2 ever live
  12. toxichunter2000

    Introduction Thread!!

    What up you guys Names Damien Delgado, and i love rock Favorite bands- led zepllein, ozzy osbourne, van halen, mettalica, and stuff liek that I play dryums and have been playin for a few years anything else u gys wanna know, msg me r whatever
  13. toxichunter2000

    What kind of music did your parents listen to?

    UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! My dad was a rock fan for awhile when he was a teen, listenin 2 black sabbath and stuff like that. My mom was always into disco ( long pause of failurism) and then wheen they started dating and crap in college, my mom poisoned my dads mind and now hes into disco too. WHY DO THE...
  14. toxichunter2000

    battle of the drum gods

    I had to ask this question outta curiosity and just to see what your views are. Who is better at drumming overall, John Bonham from led zeppelin or Keith Moon from the who. Explain why if you can, otherwise, just give ur answer, no prob there
  15. toxichunter2000

    Jimmy Hendrix Letter To Father,

    hendrix was always and still will always be such an amazing guitarist and an overall great person because of how he was determined to be something great even with all the odds aaginst him. rip hendrix
  16. toxichunter2000

    top 100 rock songs...disgraceful

    honestly you guys, stairway to heaven placed third???? how many times have yuou seen that happen? and the song respect placed over stairway to hevaen is an even bigger disgrace. I know that everyones list is different, but come on, respect is bein placed over so many great song like behind blue...
  17. toxichunter2000

    top 100 rock songs...disgraceful

    I was looking on the net the other day, curious as to what were the top 100 rock songs of all time, thinking that stairway to heaven or somthin like that would dominate with no problem, and what do i find instead? this...thing 1 (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction Rolling Stones 2 Respect Aretha...

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